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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:53

1.从理论上讲,火车应该在9点15到达,但实际上它经常晚点。(参考词汇:in theory, in practice) ——后同
The train should arrive at 9:15 in theory,,but it is often late in practice .

2.尤其是张艺谋导演的一部影片被认为是世界上最成功的电影之一。(in particular)
One movie directed by Zhang Yimou in particular is regarded as one of the most successful movies in the world.
I took it for granted that you would go with us, so I bought a ticket for you.
I have ever met a viper/poisonous snake, which was very close to me.
His experience in dealing with crimes leaves a deep impression on us.
He realized that being able to live is lucky and helping others is his mission in his life.
7.我正在写信申请得到你们广告中的临时导游这一职业。(apply to sb for sth)
I'm writing a letter to apply to you for the job as a temporary tour guide
mentioned in your advertisement.
I will be very much appreciated if you could send me more available job information.
But the demand for qualified teachers will still increase/grow.
It's estimated that the number of adolescents with language problems will have double by 2020.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:53

1.从理论上讲,火车应该在9点15到达,但实际上它经常晚点。(参考词汇:in theory, in practice) ——后同
In theory, the train should arrived at 9:15, but it often comes a little later in practice.
2.尤其是张艺谋导演的一部影片被认为是世界上最成功的电影之一。(in particular)
In particular ,a film directed by Zhang Yi Mou is considered to be a most successful one in the world.
I took it for granted that you would go with us, so I bought a ticket for you.
Once I met a poisonous snake accidentally ,and it was very close to me.
His experience of dealing with crimes impressed us very much.
He realized that he was lucky to be alive, and felt that it was his mission to help others in his life.
7.我正在写信申请得到你们广告中的临时导游这一职业。(apply to sb for sth)
I am writing to apply to you for the job of being a temporary tour guide in your advertisement.
I will be appreciative very much if you can send more available job informations to me.
But the need for qualified teachers will still increase.
It's estimated that the number of teen-agers who are faced with language problems will double by 2020.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:54

1.从理论上讲,火车应该在9点15到达,但实际上它经常晚点。(参考词汇:in theory, in practice) ——后同
In theory, the train should arrive in 9:15,but it always late in practice.
2.尤其是张艺谋导演的一部影片被认为是世界上最成功的电影之一。(in particular)
In particulat one movie which direted by Zhang Yimou is regarded as one of the most successful movies throughtout the world.
Certainly I thought you will go with us that's the reason I buy you a ticket.
I have unexpected met a poisonly snake which was significantly close to me.
His experience of against the criminals leaves a deep impression on us.
He realizes that he can survive is extremly lucky and feel that it's tasks of his life to help others.
7.我正在写信申请得到你们广告中的临时导游这一职业。(apply to sb for sth)
I am writing a letter apply to instant guide for your advertisement.
I will be very appreciated if you can send more informations about available jobs.
But the demand for qualified teachers will still increase
To estimated, the population of adolescents with language problem will double in 2020


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:54

1. The train should arrived at 9:15 a.m./p.m., but it always comes a little late.
2. Especially that one of the movie made by director Zhang is classified as one of the world most successful movie.
3. I thought that you would have come with us so I brought a ticket for you.
4. I had once came across a poisonous snake which is just besides me.
5. The experience he use to cope with the crime give us a very deep impression.
6. He notice that it was very lucky for him to survive, and also felt that it was his mission to help others.
7. I am applying to becoming a part-time guider in your advertisement.
8. I will appreciate it if you could send me more information of a job.
9. But to the qualified teachers approval will continued to increase.
10. Estimating on the teenage people that faces the language problem would be doubled on 2020.

我尽我所能, 真的是自己番的... 希望有帮助...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:55

In theory, the train should be in nine to 15, but in practice it often late. (reference vocabulary: in theory, in practice)-with after

2. Especially zhang yimou a film is considered to be the world's most successful movie one. (in particular)

3. I would think that you will go with us, so I bought you a ticket.

4. I once accident to meet a viper, I very close from.

5. He deal with crime experience left us a very good impression.

6. He realizes that he can live very lucky, and feel to help others is the mission of his life.

7. I was writing apply for your advertisement to the temporary guide this career. (apply to sb. Sb for STH)

8. If you can send some ask for information to work

1.从理论上讲,火车应该在9点15到达,但实际上它经常晚点。(参考词汇:in theory, in practice) ——后同 The train should arrive at 9:15 in theory,,but it is often late in practice .2.尤其是张艺谋导演的一部影片被认为是世界上最成功的电影之一。(in particular)One movie directed ...




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Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。Let’s call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧。You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了。I’m Looking Forward to It. 我期待着这件事 I’ve been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break.我辛辛苦苦工作了整整一年。我真...


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