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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 00:16

英语不好排 我的也不太好:


mum: How’s it going ,dear?

Girl: Just great, mom. Almost done.

Mum: you can leave when the soup cools down.

Girl :Is Grandma going to be all right?

Mum : she’s going to be fine.


Mum: don’t run ! I don’t want any accidents.

Girl :I’ll be careful

Mum :Go straight to Grandma’s Don’t stop to play.

Girl : I promise.

Mum : don’t talk to strangers

Girl :okay, mom, don’t worry.

Mu!1’m :it’s mother’s job to worry.


Girl: uhh!

Wolf : sorry to frighten you .

Girl : That’s ok. You are welcome.

Wolf : Oh, you are very beautiful today.

Girl : who are you?

Wolf : just a local woodsman. there’s a wolf in the woods .

Girl :I’ll keep my eyes open, bye.

Wolf :where are you going ?(边说边把手伸进篮子里,小红帽赶紧把盖子盖紧,)疼的大灰狼

Wolf: EEEEE—yowwwww!

Girl : didn’t your mother ever tell you not to pry ?

Wolf : sorry.

Girl : my! What a hairy finger!(毛茸茸的手指)。

Wolf : it runs in the family(这是我们家的遗传)。

Girl : oh , I’ll be late for grandma’s don’t sneak up(鬼鬼祟祟) on me again!

Wolf : grandma? Hmmm……. Sounds tasty…..what a tender little tidbit she will be !

Girl :who’s there ?

Wolf :I’m starving .


Girl : are you all right ,sir?

Wolf : I’m lost and hungry. I was looking for food .

Girl :what were you doing in the tree? I can give you a piece of cake .

Wolf :a small piece would be nice .

Girl : it’s for my sick grandma.

Wolf :I love grandmas.

Girl : hope you enjoy it

Wolf :thanks ,it’s delicious. Tell me more about you grandma.

Girl : I can’t talk to strangers.

Wolf :we’re friends .

Girl :she lives at the end of this road.

Wolf : thank you .so long !

Girl :wait !

Wolf :what? I’ ll keep my eyes peeled!

Girl :there’s a wolf around here , so be careful.


wolf: what a nice house you have ,grandma.

Grandma:who is it ?

Wolf :little red riding hood.

Grandma: doesn’t sound like you .

Wolf :it’s me open ,grandma .

Grandma:just lift the latch dear.

Wolf :oh okay. Surprise!

come on, come on, come on!

W actions G: Who is it?

Girl: It’s me, grandma.

W actions G: come on down!

Girl: Afternoon, Grandma.

W actions G: ______Dear.

Girl: No, don’t kiss me.

W actions G: Can you help me? Dear,

And make me some tea.

Girl: I brought some soup and some cake for you.

I”ll put them in the plate.

W actions G: No, come here , Let me take it.

Girl: Here you are.

W actions G: Thank you.

Girl: Would you like some cake?

W actions G: Yes, of course.

Girl: oh, You have big eyes.

W actions G: It’s better to see your beautiful face. dear.

Girl: oh, your mouth’ so large.

W actions G: It’s better to eat you. My dear.


Girl: you’re the wolf.(表现出惊奇和害怕的样子)。

W actions G: Yeah!!!

Hunter: ya----I”ll bit you, I”ll bit you.

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