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妙语A1短篇a difficult question翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:29

A Difficult Question

Four girls went to school every day by taxi .
One day, one of the girls said,"there's a test this morning . let's get to school late
then we won't have to take the test ."
"What can we tell the teacher?" one of the girls said."He'll be angry . We'll need a good excuse ."
The girls though for several moments ,then one of them said ,"Let's tell him that our taxi had a flat fire ."
"That's a good idea ,"the other girls said."We'll tell him that." They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished .
"Why are you late?"the teacher asked ."You missed the test."
"Our taxi had a flat fire,"one of the girls said .
The teacher thought for a moment ,then he said ,"Sit down ,one of you in each corner of the room ."
The four girls did this
Then the teacher said ,"Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question :which tire was flat?"



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:29




1. A Difficult Question - 这个故事围绕一个看似简单的难题,通过主角的机智回答,揭示了解决问题的巧妙方法。2. The Hole in the Ground - 通过一个小男孩意外发现地洞的故事,探讨了好奇心与冒险精神的重要性。3. Quick Thinking - 主角面对危机时的快速反应与聪明应对,展示了敏捷思维的力量。4. ...

妙语短篇a1所有翻译 新的第一篇是a difficult question的



1. A Difficult Question - 探讨了一个棘手的问题,需要思考和推理才能找到答案。2. The Hole in the Ground - 通过挖掘洞穴的故事,介绍了英语中洞穴的表达方式和相关词汇。3. Quick Thinking - 描述了快速解决问题的情况,强调了敏捷思维的重要性。4. The New Doctor - 介绍了新医生的故事,涉及...


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Introduction 前言1 A Difficult Question2 The Hole in the Ground3 Quick Thinking4 The New Doctor5 A Cheap Meal6. Not a Small Problem7. The Package8. A Sad Story9. The Best Salesman in the World10. Your Need is Greater Than Mine11. A Very Important Person12. Violin Lessons...


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