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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-05 16:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 21:27




  唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。


  Tang Poetry

  Tang poetry generally refers to poems written ring the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely spread among Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", many of which are quite popular with people of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets' works are household poems.




  西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀璨的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of White Snake)也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。


  The West Lake

  The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou's center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven on earth" since ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land, renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, and plentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiece through the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming with either light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the West Lake an air of mystery.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 21:27




  唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。


  Tang Poetry

  Tang poetry generally refers to poems written ring the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely spread among Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", many of which are quite popular with people of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets' works are household poems.




  西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀璨的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of White Snake)也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。


  The West Lake

  The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou's center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven on earth" since ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land, renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, and plentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiece through the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming with either light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the West Lake an air of mystery.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 21:27




  唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。


  Tang Poetry

  Tang poetry generally refers to poems written ring the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely spread among Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", many of which are quite popular with people of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets' works are household poems.




  西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀璨的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of White Snake)也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。


  The West Lake

  The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou's center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven on earth" since ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land, renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, and plentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiece through the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming with either light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the West Lake an air of mystery.

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