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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-06 06:17



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 21:50



lay parched 干枯的

hose pipes 橡胶软管

deprived of 剥夺了

bespectacled boy 戴眼镜的

pinched 缺乏……的

endear him to the neighbours 令……喜欢

scruffiness 邋遢

hydrangea bush 八仙花丛

batty 疯狂的

dimwitted lies 愚蠢的

vandalizing the play park 肆意破坏,游乐场

scavenge newspapers from bins 捡垃圾

opening notes 开场白

herald 传达

holiday-makers 度假者

baggage-handler 行李搬运工

a lifelong siesta (气候炎热国家的)午睡

sprinklers 喷洒器

sordid affairs 卑鄙的

the budgie 相思鹦鹉

water ski 滑水撬


a bellowed oath 咒骂

resultant crash ……的结果

listening to the news tosh 胡说,废话

pestilential birds 危害社会的

pound these streets 咚咚地走

favorite haunts 喜欢去的地方

begonias 秋海棠

plague him with sth 折磨

wilted salad 枯萎的

alleyway 窄街,小巷,通道

caution and consolation 安慰,慰问

tantalizing hints 逗人的

by and large 总的来说,大致如此

be galling to 痛苦的,难堪的

vault over 撑物跳,跳过

unsettling dream 令人不安的

welled up 涌现

his insides writhed with anger 扭动

as a sultry velvety 闷热的

the low grumble of traffic 嘟嘟声,隆隆声

musings 沉思

wending his way home 走

wrought a change 造成一个改变

formidable 可怕的

punchball 皮吊球(拳击)

be cause for 成为……原因

hooligan 小流氓

make a beeline 直线,迅速直奔

vent some of his frustration on the boys 对……出气

expulsion 开除

rash 性急的,轻率的

delinquent 有过失的,不尽责地

lilac tree 丁香花树

guffaws 大笑

hailing distance 打招呼的距离

falling into step 调整步伐使之与……一致

shut one's face 闭嘴

cheek 做鬼脸

outlet 发泄

be out cold for 冷得不行

ickle boxing champ 小拳击冠军

sprouting fleers 触须

struck mb 魂飞魄散

be doused in 泡在里面

balmy evening 暖和的

cleaved into two 劈开

moron 傻子

smell the putrid 有腐化味的

antlers 鹿角

cantered 慢跑(马)

the mundane rumble of cars 平凡的,平常的

grizzled 头发斑白的

stow 收起来


flay him alive 剥皮

cause 起因

the vevelation 意外的发现

supine 仰卧的

wizened hands 干瘪的

straggly 散乱的

doleful look 阴郁的

basset hound 短腿猎犬

skiving sneak thief 偷溜贼

aghast 惊呆地

string bag 网线带

spilt potion 涌出的

doormat 门垫

come galumphy= galloping and triumphy

walrus moustachache 海象的

hither and thither 到处

been mugged 被抢劫

In all the kerfuffie 乱成一团团的(混乱)

scrupulously clean kitchen 一丝不苟的

usher 引坐

clammy looking 看起来湿的

sponging sick 用海绵擦拭

tremulously 畏惧地

intelligence 情报

severity 严重

breach 违背

decree 法令

a disciplinary hearing 纪律听证会

retching 干呕

stupefied 木讷的

madhouse 疯人院,精神病院

anguished yell 极其痛苦的

unfurl 展开

blotchily 斑点地

burgeoned 发芽

former course 之前的行动

go to the dogs 太失败了,表现不好

in the bottom ten 最底线

codswallop 废话

look appalled with herself 使惊讶

flustered 激动不安的

one outburst 爆发

effing owls 该死的

forthwith 立即,即刻

pending further enquirers 直到

the old one-two 拳击中连击两次

blustered 咆哮

ascertain 弄明白

ebbing away 退去

lumber: move heavily or clumsily

train of thought 思路

unassailable 攻不可破的

registered: be aware of 知道,想出

squawked 咯咯地说

tremor 战栗

surgically clean kitchen 如外科手术般的

breach 破坏

relentless 无情地

fused 点燃的

have an inkling of 对……略有所知

leather-clad 覆盖的

shirt front 前襟(衣服)

loony 疯子

flecks of 小点点状的

get it over with 快点做呀,动手呀

smoulder into ash 慢燃

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 21:50



lay parched 干枯的

hose pipes 橡胶软管

deprived of 剥夺了

bespectacled boy 戴眼镜的

pinched 缺乏……的

endear him to the neighbours 令……喜欢

scruffiness 邋遢

hydrangea bush 八仙花丛

batty 疯狂的

dimwitted lies 愚蠢的

vandalizing the play park 肆意破坏,游乐场

scavenge newspapers from bins 捡垃圾

opening notes 开场白

herald 传达

holiday-makers 度假者

baggage-handler 行李搬运工

a lifelong siesta (气候炎热国家的)午睡

sprinklers 喷洒器

sordid affairs 卑鄙的

the budgie 相思鹦鹉

water ski 滑水撬


a bellowed oath 咒骂

resultant crash ……的结果

listening to the news tosh 胡说,废话

pestilential birds 危害社会的

pound these streets 咚咚地走

favorite haunts 喜欢去的地方

begonias 秋海棠

plague him with sth 折磨

wilted salad 枯萎的

alleyway 窄街,小巷,通道

caution and consolation 安慰,慰问

tantalizing hints 逗人的

by and large 总的来说,大致如此

be galling to 痛苦的,难堪的

vault over 撑物跳,跳过

unsettling dream 令人不安的

welled up 涌现

his insides writhed with anger 扭动

as a sultry velvety 闷热的

the low grumble of traffic 嘟嘟声,隆隆声

musings 沉思

wending his way home 走

wrought a change 造成一个改变

formidable 可怕的

punchball 皮吊球(拳击)

be cause for 成为……原因

hooligan 小流氓

make a beeline 直线,迅速直奔

vent some of his frustration on the boys 对……出气

expulsion 开除

rash 性急的,轻率的

delinquent 有过失的,不尽责地

lilac tree 丁香花树

guffaws 大笑

hailing distance 打招呼的距离

falling into step 调整步伐使之与……一致

shut one's face 闭嘴

cheek 做鬼脸

outlet 发泄

be out cold for 冷得不行

ickle boxing champ 小拳击冠军

sprouting fleers 触须

struck mb 魂飞魄散

be doused in 泡在里面

balmy evening 暖和的

cleaved into two 劈开

moron 傻子

smell the putrid 有腐化味的

antlers 鹿角

cantered 慢跑(马)

the mundane rumble of cars 平凡的,平常的

grizzled 头发斑白的

stow 收起来


flay him alive 剥皮

cause 起因

the vevelation 意外的发现

supine 仰卧的

wizened hands 干瘪的

straggly 散乱的

doleful look 阴郁的

basset hound 短腿猎犬

skiving sneak thief 偷溜贼

aghast 惊呆地

string bag 网线带

spilt potion 涌出的

doormat 门垫

come galumphy= galloping and triumphy

walrus moustachache 海象的

hither and thither 到处

been mugged 被抢劫

In all the kerfuffie 乱成一团团的(混乱)

scrupulously clean kitchen 一丝不苟的

usher 引坐

clammy looking 看起来湿的

sponging sick 用海绵擦拭

tremulously 畏惧地

intelligence 情报

severity 严重

breach 违背

decree 法令

a disciplinary hearing 纪律听证会

retching 干呕

stupefied 木讷的

madhouse 疯人院,精神病院

anguished yell 极其痛苦的

unfurl 展开

blotchily 斑点地

burgeoned 发芽

former course 之前的行动

go to the dogs 太失败了,表现不好

in the bottom ten 最底线

codswallop 废话

look appalled with herself 使惊讶

flustered 激动不安的

one outburst 爆发

effing owls 该死的

forthwith 立即,即刻

pending further enquirers 直到

the old one-two 拳击中连击两次

blustered 咆哮

ascertain 弄明白

ebbing away 退去

lumber: move heavily or clumsily

train of thought 思路

unassailable 攻不可破的

registered: be aware of 知道,想出

squawked 咯咯地说

tremor 战栗

surgically clean kitchen 如外科手术般的

breach 破坏

relentless 无情地

fused 点燃的

have an inkling of 对……略有所知

leather-clad 覆盖的

shirt front 前襟(衣服)

loony 疯子

flecks of 小点点状的

get it over with 快点做呀,动手呀

smoulder into ash 慢燃
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