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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-27 17:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 18:51

扩音器 loudspeaker,microphone,Amplifier


1. How to start your letter?

I would like to return the GDE-300 Processor that was delivered last week.

I would like to arrange to have the three mowers returned to your warehouse.

We have discovered that 50 copies of "Information Management" were mistakenly included in the order you delivered to our store on May 26.

Confirming our Monday conversation regarding the defective mowers, we will be returning 15 units for credit.

2. How to ask the supplier to credit your account or send you a replacement?

Please credit our account accordingly if the defective fax machines were charged to it.

I am shipping the mowers back to your warehouse. Please credit my account accordingly.

We are returning, via UPS, the 5 answering machines for credit. Please apply the credit to our account.

Please let me know how you would like the fax machine returned and send us a replacement as soon as possible.

Please accept the men's sweaters for return and send us 48 women's sweaters as soon as possible.

3. How to end your letter?

We trust that future shipments will be of the quality we have come to expect.

Thank you for a prompt response.

Thank you for handling this matter promptly.


Dear ____________:

We would like to return the Ace-3 Accounting System you shipped to us on April 20 (invoice #AC45980). When we ordered this software package by phone on Feb. 23, we were assured by your sales representative Helen Rundell that the package would be shipped within two weeks. However, we didn't receive the package until yesterday (April 23). We ordered the software in order to fill an urgent need in our Accounting Department, and we had to install the software no later than April 1. When the package you had promised to ship on time had not arrived by March 15, we had no other choice but to order the same proct through another vendor. We informed Ms. Rundell by phone on March 15 that we decided to cancel our order with your firm.

Please let me know how you would like this software package returned and credit our account for $898.95. We value your service and would like to order from you again, provided that you could guarantee prompt delivery.




1. Place your request at the beginning of the letter to capture the recepient's attention.
2. Explain why you want to return the goods.
3. Support your request by facts or evidence if necessary.
4. Maintain good will by ending your letter in a courteous and positive manner.
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