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一首英文慢摇男生唱的开头很有节奏 中间*是嘎了咪 爱温吐咪yousee

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-28 12:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 05:16

Baby can't you see
I'm calling
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling
There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it
Can't calm down
Losin' my head
Spinnin' 'round and 'round
Do you feel me now
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic
And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic
It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from a devil's cup
Slowly It's taking over me
Can't calm down
It's in the air and it's all around
Can you feel me now
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic

And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic

Don't you know that your toxic

With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic
With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic

Intoxicated now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicated now

With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
自己改编了几首歌曲要怎样发表 如何申请歌的专利 全款落地40万左右,推荐两款车型,一是奥迪A6L,二是国产红旗HS7_百度... PS圆点如何画出来ps圆点如何画出来图片 广西千米以上高山排名 香港能不能用Q或微信 香港稳定虚拟主机 什么是偏导数为0的点? 想请问一下蹬完动感单车后如何放松肌肉? 动感单车骑完如何拉伸肌肉 司马光的出处是什么 4月1日广州站到岳阳的火车时间表 k1008次列车今晚几点到武昌?如题 谢谢了 广州到周口火车什么时候恢复正常 蒜香凉拌鸡爪不小心放了老抽怎么办 我从银行贷了10万,期限十年,每月还款1176元,我想倒推一下贷款利率怎样算啊? 什么只智能手机 领导开会总让我也去参加,还要写会议纪,要怎么办 西安水电装修包工不包料多少钱一平 2022年水电全包装修多少钱一平方 怎么能检验出净水机里的水是否正常 如何检测净水器的水质 和领导顶嘴产生不好印象,这种情况应该怎么办? 你忍不住和领导顶嘴后,后果会怎样 王者营地如何解绑手机号呢? 知道对方的QQ号码要怎么样才能用QQ号码查到对方的呢``` 摩托罗拉z3可以多开吗 白灵司命巫灵是什么游戏角色名字 知道对方的QQ号码要怎么样才能用QQ号码查到对方的呢``` 抖音发图文怎么调格式呢 放羊的星星 仲天骐在水果比赛中唱得那首英文歌的名字叫什么? yoursun的歌词 请问这是什么英文歌? *部分是 when you see........smile...... 应该是新歌,女的唱的 tellwhatyouseewhenyoulookingme是什么歌 那个相册上传图片比较快? 米兔儿童电话手表5c怎么换表盘 gta5藏车的隐秘位置麦克电话打不通 少年啊bgm目录房东太太是什么歌 拼多多金百达发什么快递 祗辱于奴隶人之手的文言句式 帮帮忙啊 淘宝店怎么替换图片? 淘宝怎么替换宝贝图片 如何更换淘宝店铺装修代码中自己不需要的图片 淘宝店铺装修免费模板中如何插入或者替换图片? 苹果手机6把角磕了怎么办 喝了羊肉汤膻味太重如何解决 怎么在抖音合唱里把声音调大? 羽绒服破了让它恢复完整修补技巧羽绒服上油渍怎么去掉 羽绒服划痕修复小妙招? 法语 乳木果怎么写?谢谢了!