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英文歌歌词是if my live so peopel live shove day类似

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 23:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 14:42

SMS (Bangerz) - Miley Cyrus&Britney Spears
All the way in the back with a tree on my lap
All the boys like to ask me, what you doing with that?
You say you love me, I ain't falling with that
You ask me how I keep a man, I keep a better repack
One day he wants me, one day he wants me not
I don't do chances, 'cause time isn't what I got
If he's like that, I got a world tour that they need me at
I can't be sitting round here waiting for
a man to tell me where the f*ck my CV at
Where Mike Will at?.
I can strutt in my stuff
I can strutt in my stuff
I can strutt in my stuff
I'm flying high upon the bird, acrophobia
My slick carder, I ain't down my purse where the dollars at
I let them know the rings two on the first
They can call the hertz 'cause
if there's anybody violation I go off with that
Catwalk, slick talk, flirting with the big dog
All I need is milli, only got milli in my speed dial
You know they won't let me out
Quit to scratch your eyes out
Strain on the corner, make them nervous, call it too much
I can strutt in my stuff
I can strutt in stuffmy
I can strutt in my stuff
Play boss the play
Doctor get that big ross
Sit that on my hand
Make that me a big talk
Play boss the play
Strike that boss with
Got up in my brain
Had me a little bit dysmal
I,I bangerz, I,I bangerz I,I bangerz
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