发布时间:2022-04-23 11:30
时间:2022-06-14 09:53
(also called "Mount Jiuhua", literally "Nine Glorious Mountains")
Mount Jiuhua is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. It is located in Qingyang County in Anhui province and is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples.
Many of the mountain's shrines and temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha (known in Chinese as Dìzàng, Traditional Chinese: 地藏), who is a bodhisattva and protector of souls in hell according to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Pious Buddhists often come to this popular attraction in Anhui to climb to Greater Tiantai peak, which is regarded as Jiuhuashan's most important peak, although it is not the tallest.
History of Jiuhua Mountain
Jiuhu Mountain, known as a Buddhist wonderland and famous for its large number of temples and beautiful scenery, has been a resplendent pearl of Chinese cultural heritage.
Jiuhua Mountain was formed in the late Cenozoic Era, and Buddhism began in the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589) at the mountain. According to historical records, a monk named Fuhu built Fuhu Convent in 503; Monk Tanhao practised Buddhism here in 713; During 713-755, Jin Qiaojue, a Korean aristocrat, came to Jiuhua Mountain and lived in a stone cave at Dongya Peak. His hard practice moved the local people, and they contributed money to build a temple for him. In 781 the local official Zhang Yan presented a memorial to the emperor for the horizontal inscribed board "Huacheng". Upon Jin Qiaojue's nirvana, it was said that the mountain roared, birds and monkeys cried, and the earth gave out fire and light. His body kept lively three years later, so he was respected as the Earth Buddha, wrapped with earth and has been preserved to present. Roushen Pagoda was built to revere him, and thus Jiuhua Mountain has become the place where Earth Buddhist rites are performed.
The history of Buddhism at Jiuhua Mountain can be divided into five periods: founded in the middle of Tang Dynasty ; decayed from the late Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties; slowly developed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties; and greatly developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the Ming Dynasty, the emperors granted money to rebuild Huacheng Temple for three times and two emperors bestowed inscriptions. The number of temples and nunneries was over a hundred, and many monks and nuns came. It was listed as one of the four famous Buddhist mountains, besides Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, and Putuo Mountain.
中英文导游词 九华山
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关于安徽九华山的导游词5篇(一) 九华山在皖南青阳县境内,是我国四大佛教名山之一。唐代文学家刘禹锡,登上九华山后,对其赞叹不已,认为天下名山均不能与九华山争长。李白曾三上九华山。九华山的特点是山奇峰秀,佛寺众多。 早在东晋年间(401年),山上就开始建寺庙,以后历代都增建、扩建,形成“三里一小庙,五里...
九华山导游词 大家好!很高兴见到大家,首先我代表我们安徽旅行社以及本人,欢迎大家来到九华山旅游观光!很荣幸今天能成为大家的导游,初次见面,先自我介绍一下,我叫王萍,大家可以叫我小王。希望通过我全心全意的服务,能够带给大家一个美好圆满的佛国之旅! 首先我把九华山的概况给大家介绍一下。九华...
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3.天柱山 Tianzhu Mountain peaks are mostly comprised of middle fine-grained granite. There are 45 peaks more than 1,000 meters high in the core area. The main peak ¨C Tianzhu peak (known as the heavenly pillar peak), 1489.8 meters high above sea level, towers up alone ...
九华山闵园导游词1 其他尼庵大都很有特色,不再一一带大家去看了。人们不禁要问:为什么尼庵都集中在闵园呢?这要说一点九华山佛教历史。据史料记载,金地藏开创道场时,九华山曾有尼姑居住。此后一千多年,没有尼姑住山修行的文字记载。九华山为名山佛地,清规戒律较多,当时妇女都不准上九华街。 民国时期心坚和尚担...