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the mostbeautiful teacher in my heart 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 03:37



热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 12:42

The most beautiful teacher——zhang Lili
At the moment,wo konw a
people who is called the most beautiful teacher.She is Zhanglili.She is
famous for her brave action.She saved a child who is in need.However she
lost her legs.Now,she is in hospital.All of us will learn her spirt to
help more people.I believe the social will be more beautiful if it has
more people like Miss zhang.
A teacher was hurt by a save students,it
is certainly a holy things,ZhangLiLi teacher in a crisis desperate
forget yourself save,reveal the brilliance of human nature,and embodies
the big beauty of goodness,we should always remember that the best
刚刚 我们知道了一个叫做最美女教师的人 她是张丽丽 她以她的英雄举动而闻名 她救了两个需要被救的孩子 然而她丧失了她的腿 我们所有人都应该向他学习去帮助别人 我相信如果每个人都像张丽丽一样社会将更加美好 就翻译到这里吧着急

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 12:42

In my middle school Mrs Lin is our English teacher.She is a beautiful woman with long hair and big eyes .She often wears white dresses.She is kind to us but very strict with us .She can make her class very lively so we are all interest in her class.She often helps us not only with our study but she also helps us in our life so she is more than our teacher .She is also our friend.So I think she is the most beautiful teacher in my heart.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 12:42

  often wears white dresses.She is kind to us but very strict with us .She can make her class very lively so we are all interest in her class.She often helps us not only with our study but she also helps us in our life so she is more than our teacher .She is also our friend.So I think she is the most beautiful teacher in my heart.
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