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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 09:15



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 08:16

"smart is hard work, knowledge is the accumulation of" graal and orderly progress, keep careful you will see the true meaning of it; learning programming teachers alone said school is not enough, the next lesson to see more about the book, in their daily lives but also the accumulation of knowledge at all times; Graally, I understand: Knowledge is like water drop by drop on the water, their like a pot, water pot more and more knowledge of their own, but we should always carefully drop to overflow, so we have to increase the basin of the memory, it can hold more things, until the water drops over and then drops over, basin and then expanded to expand, our knowledge on a higher level, but we can not only meet this, we have to allow their unlimited memory this basin, so that their knowledge is endless! The accumulation of this bit by bit, we will know more and learn more knowledge. There is a learning process, there will be a lot of doubts, problems. Confucius said: there must be three of us are walking my teacher behavior; What is the problem of communication more than the exchange of students and teachers, a person can not solve the problem of two people, three people listen more to solve the ... ... other people's opinions, your ideas will have are a source of inspiration. These are my months of learning. Students, whether now or in the future we should continue to strengthen the study and continue to give their "charge" in order to constantly improve ourselves, not only was this ever-changing social scene out. I firmly believe that we have today and the pain and pay, will certainly be able to return for tomorrow's happiness and well-being! Let us add to the knowledge of the water droplets into the hearts, using them to develop their own piece of blue sky!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 08:16

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