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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-23 08:23



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 05:32

this is to certify that xxx (born on xxx) who has been working in xxxx LTD which is the Enterprises directly under the P.R.C. as an vice minister in enterprise control division. he is resposible for business management and legal affairs.
the latest three years income as belows :
incomes include salary and stipend are xxxxx in 2008
incomes include salary and stipend are xxxxx in 2009
incomes include salary and stipend are xxxxx in 2010
the income taxs had been withhold and pay.

Hereby certify!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 05:32

I certify that XXX, 19X X was born in X months, the enterprises directly under the Ministry of the People. Republic of XXX XXX Co., Ltd., where he was Deputy Minister of Management, responsible for business management and legal affairs. XXX income the last three years are as follows: 2008 revenue of $ XXXX, including wages and salaries; 2009 revenues of $ XXXX, including wages and salaries; 2010 revenues of $ XXXX, including wage and salary income. personal income tax withheld from my unit.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 05:33

This is a proof of XXX,born X(英文月份) X(阿拉伯数字日期),19XX.He's working in a XX(什么公司)Co. Ltd. of the People's Republic of China's XX(什么部门)departments directly under the business,and as a Deputy Minister of Management,being responsible for the management of companies and legal affairs.
XXX's income in the last three years:
Achieving XXXX yuan,including wages and salaries in 2008;
Achieving XXXX yuan,including wages and salariesin 2009;
Achieving XXXX yuan,including wages and salariesin 2010.
XXX's personal income tax had been paid by our company.


this is to certify that xxx (born on xxx) who has been working in xxxx LTD which is the Enterprises directly under the P.R.C. as an vice minister in enterprise control division. he is resposible for business management and legal affairs.the latest three years income as belows...




个人在职收入证明 Personal Certificates of Employment and Income 兹证明XXX 为本公司员工,已连续在我单位工作2年,目前其在我单位担任总经理职务,目前该员工在我公司每月工资为三万元整,预计年总收入含奖金45万元整。This is to certify that *** is a staff belongs to our company,he/she has...


Dear Sir/Madam:This is to certify that Mr./Ms. XXX (Passport No.:) is a doctor of the hospital. He/she has been working in the hospital for X years. His/her pre-tax monthly salary is around XX RMB yuan.Sincerely yours,XXX Director Human Resources Department Tel:XXX Direct...


在职及收入证明 Evidence of Post and Income XXX同志,女,XX年X月XX日出生,从XXXX年至今在我单位工作,担任财务科科长,年薪X万元,其中包括基本工资XXXX元,奖金XXXX元及其他收入约XX万元。Comrade***,Female,Birthday:**(日),***(月),***(年)。is an employee of our unit from***(...


1.A市B区C街道办事处D社区居民委员会1 D social-zone resident committee C street bureau B county A city 2.个人收入证明 personal income testimonial 3.E同志为纳入我社区管理的企业退休人员comrade E is the retired man dispatched and managed in our social-zone 4.原工作单位:A市五金交电...


每月1400 应该是monthly 1400 Income certificate This is to certify that Mr. AA(ID Card number:)served WJ Manufacture Group Company Limited(最好加上雇佣日期). after his death, our company provides his spouse Ms. EE(ID Card number:3)monthly 1400 retirement pension, paid by cash....

请帮我翻译一下收入证明 英文 谢谢

Income Declaration This is to certify that our company staff, XXX who hails from Huailai county, Hebei Province, I/C no. xxxxxxxxx, has been working in the staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau in Hefei City for___years since 19xx. At present, he is the ...


I hereby certify that XX is a current employee (as a 职位) in the company. (He have been working here since ...). His annual wage is X yuan.X(市) X Engineering Co. Ltd 个人感觉写的不全,括号里是我觉得要补充的。

帮我翻译一下收入证明 英文的 谢谢

Tianjin Railway Maintenance Group Co.,Ltd.I XXX employees annual income of about XXX (including bonuses and year-end cash), 33 years of service, the contract is no fixed period. In my unit as a grass-roots administration. Would like to prove ceremony unit head of the Ministry ...


born in XX of XXXX, has been the general manager of XX real estate development company from Feb 1999 up to now, with an annual pay of RMB XX.His total annual income (bonus included) is RMB XX, the personal income tax has been withheld and paid by the said company....

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