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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 10:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:58

Chinese tea, there are many varieties, its workmanship, are divided into green tea, tea,oulung tea , red tea, yeiiow tea in color, and six categories. some people say, on behalf of the green tea, jiangnan of the embarrassments ; tea lady has a long breath and silence was complete and more like one who, lasting ; symbolizes wisdom, history's elders, some long.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:58

I don't know.too 麻烦。。。建议用下有道桌面词典

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 19:59

There are many varieties of tea in China, its proction craft, divided into green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea and black tea, yellow six types. Someone says, green represents the jiangnan, DanYuan unsmooth clear, Tea has WenWanAn xian, family, static gas dye-in-the-wood, Oolong tea is the persistent, warmly lasting practitioner, Black tea of the elders wisdom, symbol, persistent micah aftertaste.

I will take some samples for you to try. Can you see?

Creative think will increase the total amount of knowledge of mankind while enhancing our cognition.小生才疏学浅,英语专业八级,高级翻译学院在读研究生,如有不妥之处,请不吝赐教,相互学习,相互交流!


we are at the corner of a new year. Always being thankful, the world will become better and better. Today, have you been thankful?


Now it is ver hot in China.I have a bad piece of news to tell you.That is my English has not been greatly improved.


hi. finally I can answer you. I did recently was not enough to communicate with you. Sometimes I think you are much closer to me than it seemed before. do you think?嗨!我终於能够回答你了,我最近的确跟你没有足够的联系。有时我认为你似乎跟我比以亲近得多了,你认为是吗?now ...


手工,请检验。This study is base on the users of internet Q&A plateform. It discusses the effect of users' achievement motivation and organizational commitment to users' satification through the organizational commitment and job satification theory. The result shows that the motivation of ...


第一段翻译如下 Cause that the business managing money matters to our country individual springs up, (2008) regards as mighty torrent being that macro-economy increases by rapidly first, that the people invisible income escalation has establish a material base for the plan managing money...


First, they follow the examples of the housewives blindly.其次,家庭主妇非常的轻松,不用做很多事,回报远远大于付出。Second,housewives is so easy. They don't need to do much, what they receive is far more than what they give.最后,不用面对社会上的竞争压力,倾向于安逸的生活。Final...

请英语高手帮忙翻译下面一段话 迅速采纳

difficulty getting the products to the port.2. The customs will stop industries from registering after the seventh of Feburary.So even if the products are ready, there is not enought time for us to deliver the products to you.希望能帮到你!【译界※新星】翻译团 为你真诚解答!


for instance, gravity, which explains the free fall of bodies on earth, can also be applied to the movement of the celestial bodies.[i'm more fluent in english, so i'll just say this in english. don't think cliz_yan did a good job in translating either. "xxx believe" ...


下面是详细的翻译:Perhaps one day,perhaps :也许, one day :一天。 这句话的‘有’在英语里可以省略。你我擦肩而过,在英语里“你我”可以翻译成 you and me,但是如果用这个词就必须这样:you and me, we will pass by each other. 这样显得you and me太多余。而直接简单的用 we 就会...

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