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Deas Vail的《Sunlight》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-07 12:51



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 06:45

歌手:Deas Vail
专辑:Birds & Cages

Deas Vail - Sunlight
Some days come and some days go
Why do they get off running out on me
They're running to their symbols
We can't break up, can't break up with ourselves
I want to, I want to break through
I wish it were so simple
But underneath the colors of our skins
We are the same
We all began when everything was little
We want more than we can get
Is that the way we all like to live
With our reservations
Sunlight is falling again
But it never touches us
Cause we cover our eyes
And cover our fragile skin
And we are comfortable with this
Elevate the procts of our sense
We are the soul of modern trends
Or just the imitations
Sunlight is falling again
But it never touches us
Cause we cover our eyes
And cover our fragile skin
And we are comfortable with this
We can't forget what we came here with
And what we'll have left when we leave
So here we stand with our key in hand
As the ones who stood the closest
Slowly falling out of focus
We can't forget what we came here with
And what we'll have left when we leave
So here we stand with our key in hand
The ones who stood the closest
Slowly falling out of focus
Sunlight is falling again
But it never touches us
Cause we cover our eyes
And cover our fragile skin
And we are comfortable with this
Can we hide ourselves like this
Does it seem like we all know where we belong
Where we belong
Where we belong

Deas Vail的《Sunlight》 歌词

Deas Vail - Sunlight Some days come and some days go Why do they get off running out on me They're running to their symbols We can't break up, can't break up with ourselves I want to, I want to break through I wish it were so simple But underneath the colors of our...

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