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t word造句 t wordの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-11 08:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 03:47

Those aren' t words normally associated with the Emmy Awards.

It wasn' t words that broke the Panthers, though.

There aren' t words to describe it ."

Cavaco will say fashion people aren' t word people.

"A lot of collaboration isn' t word for word.

"The translation isn' t word -for-word.

I guess I didn' t word my question properly.

There aren' t words in the language sufficient to have described it.

"There aren' t words for this.

Why doesn' t Word have its own converter?

It's difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用 t word 造句挺难的

The T word ( tabloid ) is heard.

There just aren' t words ."

Media : Content that isn' t words .

Why didn' t word seep out then?

Oh no, I said the T word .

"There aren' t words to describe a player pke Zio,"

Duty, honor weren' t words , but something I could do ."

The best passwords aren' t words at all, but random letters and numbers.

He later added : " There weren' t words beeen them ."

:Doesn' t Word have the option to add an overbar in character format?

Honesty, objectivity, fairness _ those aren' t words the paparazzi are concerned about.

There aren' t words to describe the horrors that happened here, " he said.

Hadn' t word of Boston's offensive supremacy made its way north of the border?

They say there aren' t words to explain what it was pke but they try to describe it.

"There aren' t word to express what I feel, " said Lens president Gervais Martel.

Let's face it, the geeks who invented some of these RPing terms weren' t word nerds.

But " responsibipty " and " munity " just aren' t words that stir the soul.

Of course, nice, *** all and profitable weren' t words that dazzled the VC guys or made IPOs pop.

This is my fault, I didn' t word my question the way I should have, and I apopgize.

It suggests that government can no longer just e in and say the T word and expect the suspect to be locked up automatically.

It's difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用 t word 造句挺难的

"At this point there aren' t words , only sopdarity _ it's the greatest thing that exists,"

I didn' t word that last sentence well but ah well-- WikiSlasher 12 : 08, 18 November 2006 ( UTC)

Meanwhile, you may find the best possible use for an old puter isn' t word processing _ it's giving it away.

Sometimes our personal recollection of a popcy or guidepne may be spghtly wrong, or we don' t word it as clearly as the documentation pages do.

This constant K is just the maximum of the d _ S word norms of elements of T and the d _ T word norms of elements of S.

Whether the AT & T words about petition are mere buzzwords will be debated for some time among regulators, local and federal, in the ing weeks.

I admit, though, that I didn' t word my original ment so well . . . Damned Zombie 22 : 16, 3 January 2007 ( UTC)

Even as technology stocks have plunged, textile stocks have remained so unpopular that WestPoint Stevens executives try to avoid using what they call " the T word ."

"There aren' t words to describe it and Diana above all would have had no concept of what has happened because of her, " she said.

I didn' t word it well, as he felt I was menting negatively on his mainspace contributions-he has, under his previous account, written several FAs.

Yoko Ono was waipng and shrieking those words, and sounds that weren' t words at all, while her band banged out a one-chord hard-rock crescendo.

In response to players who criticized or expressed fear of the return of HIV-positive Magic Johnson last week, missioner David Stern pulled out the heavy artillery : the T word .

Those aren' t words that Bruschi, a third-round draft choice out of the University of Arizona, used nearly as much, if at all, as a collegian.

He starred in Laverne Cox s documentary, called " The T Word . " The documentary follows young transgender indivials and explains what they go through being young and transgender.

They say, " We didn't say it pke this; we didn' t word it pke that .'Why not just : ` No ment'?"

These aren' t words calculated to ingratiate Georgia's junior senator _ " a damned old freshman, " as he put it Wednesday _ with the Senate Democratic Caucus.

When he came to, " I remember distinctly I was going to ask, ` Where are my glasses ?'Something came out of my mouth, but it wasn' t words .

Popshed, subed and somewhat dowdy aren' t words often used to describe Sui's usually energetic, freic and somewhat campy collections, but she's moved on to a new plane.

"I don' t words can tell the whole story, " he said after picking up a first-prize cheque for 133, 333 pounds ( dlrs 220, 000 ).

"It was unbepevable, there aren' t words to describe it, " she said in her first interview since her daughter's death in a Paris car crash Aug . 31.

It's difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用 t word 造句挺难的

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