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求一首日文歌的中日文歌词 MY LITTLE LOVER - evergreen -organic

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-01 12:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:40

My Little Lover



水まきしてた 季节が过ぎて
风の香り 変わりはじめてた

绿はやがて 褪せてゆくけど
干は今も 岚に耐えてる そこに立ってる

谁もが痛み抱いて 迷いも消えなくて
この地球は淋しさ溢れていて 何を求めてる

あなたをただ 爱してるだけ
ぼんやりと思ってたら 何だか勇気が涌いてきてた
それは気持ちに 羽根が生えた様に 空を飞んでく

水平线の见えない この街に生まれて
そして死んで行っても あなたがいれば 全てを感じる

枯れ叶落ちてく 木枯らしが吹いてく 长い冬を越えて
自分の中 春が访れて 夏は来る

永远の绿は 心に広がってる
そう信じていたい いつの日にも どんな时でも
oh evergreen with you

lalala… lalala…
lalala… lala… lalala…
lalala… lalala…
lalala… lala… lalala…
lalala… lalala…
lalala… lala… lalala…
lalala… lalala…
lalala… lala… lalala…
lalala… lalala…
lalala… lala… lalala…

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:40

Westlife - evergreen
专辑:World of our own
Edited by starsky
Like a sunrise
Like a rainfall
Down my soul
And I wonder
I wonder why you look at me like that
What you're thinking
What's behind
Don't tell me
But it feels like love
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
I'm gonna take this night
And make it Evergreen
Like a angel
Like velvet to my skin
And I wonder
Wonder why you wanna stay the night
What you're dreaming
What's behind
Don't tell me
But it feels like love
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
I'm gonna take this night
And make it Evergreen
(Don't tell me
But it feels like love)
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
I'm gonna take this night
And make it Evergreen

[al:World of our own]
[00:02.72]Edited by starsky
[00:07.61]Like a sunrise
[00:10.90]Like a rainfall
[00:14.63]Down my soul
[00:19.01]And I wonder
[00:22.52]I wonder why you look at me like that
[00:26.41]What you're thinking
[00:28.36]What's behind
[00:32.02]Don't tell me
[00:32.98]But it feels like love

[00:39.50]I'm gonna take this moment
[00:42.46]And make it last forever
[00:46.22]I'm gonna give my heart away
[00:49.08]And pray we'll stay together
[00:53.15]Cause you're the one good reason
[00:56.56]You're the only girl that I need
[01:00.50]Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
[01:08.02]I'm gonna take this night
[01:09.88]And make it Evergreen

[01:17.31]Like a angel
[01:21.25]Like velvet to my skin
[01:28.66]And I wonder
[01:31.27]Wonder why you wanna stay the night
[01:35.61]What you're dreaming
[01:37.58]What's behind
[01:41.41]Don't tell me
[01:42.37]But it feels like love

[01:48.92]I'm gonna take this moment
[01:52.36]And make it last forever
[01:55.63]I'm gonna give my heart away
[01:58.44]And pray we'll stay together
[02:02.34]Cause you're the one good reason
[02:06.13]You're the only girl that I need
[02:10.09]Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
[02:17.17]I'm gonna take this night
[02:19.69]And make it Evergreen

[02:30.07](Don't tell me
[02:31.04]But it feels like love)

[03:13.88][02:37.52]I'm gonna take this moment
[03:16.99][02:43.36]And make it last forever
[03:20.76][02:46.65]I'm gonna give my heart away
[03:23.32][02:49.77]And pray we'll stay together
[03:27.43][02:53.56]Cause you're the one good reason
[03:31.04][02:57.28]You're the only girl that I need
[03:34.86][03:01.30]Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
[03:42.36]I'm gonna take this night
[03:44.53]And make it Evergreen
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