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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-05 04:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 20:23



义大利国歌歌词︰ 义大利众兄弟,看祖国正奋起,已戴好西比奥古头盔──英雄帽。问胜利在那里,罗马城,众奴隶,把光荣带给你,创造者是上帝。 遭凌夷,受嘲讥,至今已数世纪;只因为久分 裂,长焕散,不团结。高举起一面旗,同信念,同目的,让我们联合起,普天下谁能敌? 让我们团结紧,让我们相亲近,示民众以道路,循天主所指引。齐发愿去战斗,为祖国求自由;在上帝名义下,齐团结成一家。 Fratelli d'Italia
l'Italia s'e' desta
dell'elmo di Scipio s'e cinta la testa. Dov'e la vittoria? Le pa la chioma
che schiava di Roma Iddio la creo'. Stringiamoci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte
l'Italia chiamo'. Stringiamoci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte
l'Italia chiamo'
si'! Noi fummo da secoli calpesti
perche' non siam popoli
perche' siam divisi. Raccolgaci un'unica bandiera
una speme: di fonderci insieme gia' l'ora suono'. Uniamoci
l'unione e l'amore rivelano ai popoli le vie del Signore. Giuriamo far libero il suolo natio: uniti
per Dio
chi vincer ci puo'?
参考: ./question/14511921
Italy "Il Canto degli Italiani" (The Song of the Itali) Words by: Goffredo Mameli Music by: Michele Novaro Adopted: 1947 The anthem was written in 1847
the lyrics by Goffredo Mameli
a young poet. As such
the song is often known as L'Inno di Mameli (Mameli's Hymn). Beginning in 1861
when Italy became a united nation
the song was known as the "March of the House of Savoy" and it became the official Anthem in 1947 when Italy finally was proclaimed a Republic. There are different versions of how Mameli actually came to write the anthem. One reports that Mameli took the anthem to the musician Michele Novaro a friend
who lived in Turin. Novaro posed the music
and Mameli returned to Genoa where he presented words and music to his friends. Shortly thereafter
"Fratelli D'Italia" (Brothers of Italy
another mon name for the anthem) was played for the first time
at a popular assembly. The tune gained popularity throughout the peninsula
in defiance of the Austrian
Bourbon and Papal police. The other and equally persuasive story goes that one evening in 1847
in the house of the American consul
the center of discussion was the uprisings of the day. Urged by many of the consul's guests
Mameli improvised a few lines on the spot and later wrote the rest. A few days later a friend took the poem to Turin and read it aloud at a nobleman's party. The poser Michele Novaro who was a guest at the same party
tried a few notes on the piano and then
went home to pose the song. The anthem was sung for the first time the next day by a group of political exiles in the Caffè della Lega Italiana of Turin. The anthem was chosen on a provisional basis in 1947 as the national anthem
the choice was never officially confirmed or re-examined
so officilaly
the anthem has been the "temporary" anthem of Italy for over 50 years! There is talk lately of replacing the anthem
firstly because the music is not up to the standards of Italian classical music tradition (ironically
some of Italy's greatest posers have posed anthems in this tradition
which are used by Central and South American countries
giving birth to the term "Latin American epic anthem")
and also the lyrics refer to specific events that were familiar to the Itali of the time that the anthem was posed
but bear little to no resonance with today's Itali. However
"Il Canto degli Italiani" is very recognizable in Italy and would be hard to replace. Special thanks to: Angelo D'Agnano for the MIDI file. 歌词: ITALIAN LYRCIS Fratelli d'Italia L'Italia s'è desta
Dell'elmo di Scipio S'è cinta la testa. Dov'è la Vittoria? Le pa la chioma
Ché schiava di Roma Iddio la creò. (节录) *[this is to mean that Victory is the slave of Rome who should bow her head to Italy
not that Italy is the slave of Rome] 2006-12-03 15:39:06 补充: 有分四个时期:Italy (1861-1946)
Italy (1922-1943)
Italy (1946-1947)
(1947~ )全可以在网站中找到
参考: nationalanthems.info/it
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