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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-21 00:18



热心网友 时间:2023-06-26 02:07

BJ-GF 共板法兰机
BJ-GF Same board using flange

The bite shape of this machine absolutely replace angle iron flange.The form is efficiently finished, with artistic appearance. This machine will help you to save material、labor and time, so it will have you get good benefit and efficiency.

BJ-LJ 联合角咬口机
BJ-LJ Joint angle seam machine

加工厚度 0.5-1.2mm 0.5-1.5mm
Processing thickness 0.5-1.2mm 0.5-1.5mm

  LJ is the model of angular joint in making straight wind pipe while DP is of plate alignment
  joint, the customer may purchase various suitable specifications according to different construction thickness.

BJ-DP 单平咬口机
BJ-DP Single and flat seam machine

加工厚度0.5-1.2mm 0.5-1.5mm
Processing thickness 0.5-1.2mm 0.5-1.5mm

  LJ is the model of angular joint in making straight wind pipe while DP is of plate alignment
  joint, the customer may purchase various suitable specifications according to different construction thickness.

BJ-YH 圆弧咬口机
BJ-YH circular seam machine

加工厚度 0.5-1.5mm(1-2mm)
Processing thickness 0.5-1.5mm(1-2mm)

YH machine is used in discretional circle seam of pipe elbow and should be used in coordination with LJ mode machine.

BJ-DN 多能咬口机
BJ-DN Multi-function seam machine

加工厚度 0.5-1.2mm
Processing thickness 0.5-1.2mm

DN 机集直角咬口、拼接、圆咬口多种功能于一机SLJ机是直角咬口和圆咬口为主,供小型工程单位按需选购。
DN machine collects multiple functions such right angle seam, joint, circular together. SLJ machine take right angle and circular seam as its main roles, offering small scale project units to buy according to their requirements.

BJ-DNW 多能咬口机
BJ-DNW Wulti-function seam machine

Suitable thickness≤0.8mm

DNW machine type possesses some property including small body, lightly weight, precious designation and suit to power source 220V.

BJ-LJ-D 联合角咬口机
BJ-LJ-D Joint angle seam machine

加工厚度 1-2mm
Processing thickness 1-2mm

  LJ is the model of angular joint in making straight wind pipe while DP is of plate alignment
  joint, the customer may purchase various suitable specifications according to different construction thickness.
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