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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-16 23:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 22:07

reachin' for heaven

冰上公主主题曲reachin' for heaven

diana degarmo

all my life, there would just me and my dreams
and the days went taking by, like the beat of my heart
spent my nights wordering how it would be
when the waiting would end, and tomorrow would start
suddenly i see a light
out of the darkness, i'm coming alive
so just how it feel, reachin' for heaven
this is how i feel, kissing the sky
this is what it means , touching forever
like the phoenix rise from the flame
i'm reachin' for heaven
oh this time, i never knew i was so strong
like the flame burnt the bright
that would stay all alone
in your eyes, i can see all i can be
suddenly i want them all
i know that you'd catch me if ever i fall
so just how it feel, reachin' for heaven
this is how i feel, kissing the sky
this is what it means , touching forever
like the phoenix rise from the flame
i'm reachin' for heaven
you're known to have shown me shining new horizon
now for all i owe you
it's my turn to show you
this is how it feel, reachin' for heaven
this is how i feel, kissing the sky
this is what it means ,touching forever
like the phoenix rise from the flame
i'm reachin' for heaven~~reachin' for heaven~~~~
this is how i feel, kissing the sky
this is what it means ,touching forever
like the phoenix rise from the flame
i'm reachin' for heaven~~reachin' for heaven~~~~
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