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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 09:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:15

Amy is a magical girl, she has been a wi ndfall to complete the job. I am surprise d by the language of the tape through th e hedgehog sounds to learn the hedgeh og. 

To expose the conspiracy of Mr. Par ker, he received the money, skillfully use d in the hedgehog hospital. It can be se en that she was a good-hearted people. 

Finally, she undid Mr. Parker's misconce ptions about the hedgehog, and let him know what a hedgehog is a lovely and u seful. Satisfactory outcome, Parker, Mr. and hedgehogs who became good friends.




热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:15

The little girl Amy wants to raise the hedgehog. He to the library to borrow books about the hedgehog, and a plate of animal calls discs. Amy learn a hedgehog. Amy's house yard is a hedgehog, and he was numbered with the hedgehog try to dialogue. The last could communicate with the hedgehog. His neighbors saw the opportunity, to her watching hedgehog tea in his yard. Amy finally and you said that the money is to be a hedgehog hospital. Neighbor was finally drove the girl had to build a hospital.
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