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煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答) 1,…… 2,…… 3,…… 4,……

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-23 22:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:49

1 Heat the pan on medium low.It is the right temperature when a few drops of water splashed on it sizzle but don't pop around.If the water pops around,the pan is probably too hot.Take it off the burner to let it cool down and adjust the burner to a lower temperature.
2 Put a tablespoon of oil or butter in the pan.Holding the pan by the handle,tilt it around until the oil is spread.
3 Tap the egg firmly on the edge of the counter or pan to crack it.Hold it close to the pan surface as you open it up.You don't want the yolk breaking before you even start.
Step5Allow the egg to cook until the white is firm and white on the bottom but is still jelly like over the yolk.It is a good thing if the egg is off center,it will be easier to flip.
4 Allow the egg to cook another minute (maximum) and then firmly slide the spatula under the whole egg.Take it out of the pan and place it onto the serving plate.
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