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英语作文 向着太阳奔跑

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 16:13



热心网友 时间:2023-06-21 21:29

A child,and kept running fast,because he want to go beyond his own shadow,but no matter how hard he,you can't catch,he was quick to cry.Someone told him:you face run towards the sun.Children hear his voice, *** iled,shadow really fall in behind him.
Simple story,to the person of enlightenment is profound.The same thing,and change an Angle,of result might be different.
Some old love to dwell on the painful past,more think more pain,"take out knife broken water water flow,toast and XiaoChou worry more more sorrow".Lonely and sad,disappointed,confusion,pessimistic all day long to acpany him,let he hangs can't from pull out.Because he never intended to abandon this pain,turn a body to look the other way,so he will never gain happiness!.
Some people,is always plaining about the world,think there are not fair everywhere.Feeling filled with vulgar place around the  and of course no one is not sad,forbid people plain about,the key should see the purpose of doing that?On TV every day and all of the things in some dark a exposure.Through these exposure,to wake up people's thinking and consciousness,supervise some administrative departments exercise of powers,remind us constantly adjust's path,these are all should advocate the practice of praise highly.
My friends say I always love to write some positive things that I was to promote better in person,I don't deny that.Not I didn't see life in the shifting of the "shadow",but I don't want to put themselves in the line of sight of long stay in the "shadow".Because of the relative to the space around it,"shadow" accounts for the place is really is too *** all is too *** all.The good side and there are much too much.If we always use their eyes to look for the bad guys,so we can really will have bad guys,if we go to look for the good,we are certain to see better.People monly used to describe that with each passing day of our society is the great change,with "flowering sesame high retreat to describe us more and more good life,then why don't we use a new thinking and look at now and in the future?
Turn a body right,running towards the sun,you will forget about the unpleasant "shadow",will see the bright future and hope,will proce better tomorrow,longing for the will to life more confidence,it will give struggle of course to add more courage and strength!
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