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谁有”天堂之吻”中"Is this feeling love?"的歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 18:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 19:34

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 动漫

”天堂之吻”原声音乐集「Paradise Kiss OP Single 」中的歌曲



Is this feeling love

作词:Tommy February6



Party lights fade away on weekend

I say"See you again"to my friend

"Hurt again...!"

I feel lonely when I think I can't see you

my beloved one..."Prince Charming"

I won't fet our time we spent

yeah...I'll miss you

"Is this feeling love?"

Everything is ing to the end

Joyful time with you "slipped in a flash"

When I close my eyes I dream of you

I drop tears "Is this feeling love?"

Everything is ing to the end

I know this isn't my last chance

but I can't say my feeling

...It's"I love you"

Oh...I can't say!!

You are with her...Baby"Right?"

Yes, I don't mind being Devil

If I can have your heart but maybe will

...not be in full bloom "Help me!"

I'm in Unlucky love mood...

Everything is came to the end

I wasn't ready to fall in love

but now I'm crazy about you, oh baby

I'm thinking of you day and night

Everything is came to the end

I'm looking up to the magic stars

not to drop tears

Now I'm in love with you, Because

You're so Romantic and so sweet..

Yes, I don't mind being Devil

I want your heart

Everything is came to the end

Joyful time with you "slipped in a flash"

When I close my eyes I dream of you

I drop tears "Is this feeling love?"

Everything is came to the end

I know this isn't my last chance

but, I can't say my feeling

...It's "I love you"

Thinking of you day and night

"Prince Charming"

I'm in love with you, Because

You're so Romantic and so sweet...
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