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Marika的《Stop》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-15 14:58



热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 07:14


I dreamed the world lived in peace
People don’t kill in the wars
Only want to live in love and harmony
And playing this song to the wind
A million voices resound in the climb of mountains
All around the world
But why,do I only dream
Why can’t always be a reality
I want to live in all these dreams
And the world will be as one to make the harmony
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song
I dreamed the world lived in peace
People don’t kill in the wars
Only want to live in love and harmony
And playing this song to the wind
A million voices resound in the climb of mountains
All around the world
But why,do I only dream
Why can’t always be a reality
I want to live in all these dreams
And the world will be as one to make the harmony
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song
Everbody needs the sound of the music
All the people sing around the world
Making the Union between all the races
Take my hand,brother sing this song

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