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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-11 09:36



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 21:50

better day when night belongs to dawn
Another way for us to get along
Although some might say its never meant to be
You gotta be strong, a better day will come

This ain't fiction, its all reallity
You better listen because this means a lot to me
I got something to say just give a moment of your time
This has gone way too long and I'm sorry I'm out of line
In our society the lines have gone from thik to thin
And its a shame you gotto die for the colour of your skin
Put aside every feeling you hold for Multicyde
Keep listening to what we say together its allright.

A better day when night belongs to dawn
Another way for us to get along
Although some might say its never meant to be
You gotta be strong a better day will come

By all is necessary listen up 'cause this is heavy
Break it up so y'all can get it, there's a way to get ready,
Got to step it up 'cause enough is enough
Inspectate is to long, now it's time to get rough
Not physical but in a serous way
Take a look outside your window analyze the day,
It ain't over like the song from day one
News since 7:30, see the bullets fly by
A better day when night belongs to dawn
Another way for us to get along
Although some might say its never meant to be
You gotta be strong a better day will come

So this is how we should get up and on it
And we can get it if we stand up for it
Cause everybody got to want it want it
Stand together we can rise abow it
So this is how we should get up and on it
And we can get it if we stand up for it
Everybody got to want it want it
Stand together we can rise abow it

A better day when night belongs to dawn
Another way for us to get along
Although some might say its never meant to be
You gotta be strong a better day will come

A better day when night belongs to dawn
Another way for us to get along
Although some might say its never meant to be
You gotta be strong a better day will come
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