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...than cure还是Prevention is better than cure如何区分开头是ing...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-26 10:14



Preventing is better than cure还是Prevention is better than cure如...

是prevention is better than cure, 虽然preventing和prevention都可以是名词,但是在这里cure的名词形式是cure,不是curing,所以为了和cure的形式相同(cure名词就是cure,没有curation神马的),这里要用名词prevention而不是ing形式的名词。如果后面是curing,那就是preventing is better than curing ...


Preventionisbetterthancure:Outofacountry’shealthbudget,alargeproportionshouldbedivertedfromtreatmenttospendingonhealtheducationandpreventativemeasures. 预防胜于治疗,出于对国家的卫生预算,很大一部分:应该从治疗转移到健康教育和预防措施的开支。 Therisingcostsofhealthcarehavebecomeanissueformanycountriesin...


Preventionisbetterthancure:Outofacountry’shealthbudget,alargeproportionshouldbedivertedfromtreatmenttospendingonhealtheducationandpreventativemeasures. 预防胜于治疗,出于对国家的卫生预算,很大一部分:应该从治疗转移到健康教育和预防措施的开支。 Therisingcostsofhealthcarehavebecomeanissueformanycountriesin...


Prevention is better than cure. 2、健康尤胜于财富。 Health is above wealth. 3、身勤则强,逸则病。 The body is often strong, Yi is disease. 4、已饥方食,未饱先止。 The food side has been hungry, not enough to stop. 5、休息乃劳动者之妙药。 The rest is the magic of workers. 6、...


As people's living standards improve, more and more people are beginning to realize that disease prevention is more important than cure, today's aging population, the burden of disease has become a family, social, economic issues, the face of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,...

以prevention better than cure为话题写一篇英语作文

perspective that prevention is better than cure. However, certain amount of cure service should be available and promoted as a major measure against diseases while prevention should be focused on as a major way leading to healthy life.希望能帮到你!参考资料:来自【英语牛人团】...


There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind.3. 我深信…I am greatly convinced (that)子句= I am greatly assured (that)子句例∶我深信预防是于治疗。I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.4. 在各种…之中¸…Among various kinds of …,...


Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。 Pride goes before, and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后。 Promise is debt.一诺千金。 Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。 Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。 Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。 Put your...

生活场景口语实战人际篇 第184期:出院(3)

9. After I left the hospital I ate a big meal. 我痊愈出院后,大吃了一顿。 还能这样说: My first outing after leaving the hospital was to eat heartily. I made a hearty meal after my discharge. 谚语: Prevention is better than cure. 宜未雨绸缪。 10...


首先,许多疾病都是可以防患于未然的,并且防病的开销远低于治病。 比如说,我们可以通过在冬天做好保暖且充分休息来预防感冒,可是这看似简单的方法,很多人却做不到,结果是感冒之后花大量的钱在寻医问药上。另外一个恰当的列子就是癌症,世界第一的生命终结者。但是肺癌,肝癌和其他许多的癌症都是可以...

later than never little more than better than 后接什么 betterthan用法 not less than far more than any more than later than even than
荔枝为什么有酒味 吃荔枝后为什么有酒味 荔枝有酒味能吃吗 荔枝有酒味能不能吃 单元格中如何消除白框框? pay attention to中的to是介词还是动词? pay attention to能否放在句末 国家对三胞胎有什么补助?我是三个孩子的父亲,上有老下有小.太累了... 夏天戴帽子能防晒吗 三星电脑NP450R4Q-X05 怎么装win7 债务关系中转款凭证与借条不一样吗 ...时别人提供和名字和汇款进来名字不一样怎么办? prevention is better than cure的翻译 怎么样才有幸福感? 华为背后WA801909是什么型号? 80190是什么意思 三菱64s过弯不减速是哪个参数 我在白银市平川区办的农行卡,卡号后四位8019代表啥意思 三菱plc中M8019什么意思 有很多老鼠到果园偷食龙眼怎样治? 花枝鼠可以吃龙眼吗 精选小学入学模拟测试题 什么是爱?爱就是包容,忍耐! 原神甘雨手办什么时候补尾款 在南方位撂个花瓶 装内水插入九枝桃花 什么是肠套叠肠套叠的防治 人际和谐的特点一般不包括 护理人际关系的特点不包括什么 人际交往的特点不包括? A1 题型 人际关系的特点不包括 A、复杂性 B、多重性 C、多变性 D、目 ... 蒂芥的读音蒂芥的读音是什么 else英语如何读else英语怎么读 Little Women 的名言名句,还要写下中文的意思哦?谢谢~ 现在一级通信怎么这么少,找了这么久都没有 2016一级通信广电哪里挂靠 价位多少钱? 一级通信有C证吗? 通信工程施工总承包一级介绍? 菱角煮多长时间能熟 菱角煮熟了可以放多久 菱角泡一晚上再煮可以吗 键盘上在ALT健和空格键之间还有个韩文键,一共有两个,请问这两个键是干 ... 南瓜带皮吃吗 官僚政治名词解释 郑上书谈泉公训子履醇曰:胆欲大,心欲小 文言文阅读 郑康是袁氏的什么人,为什么袁绍接到他(郑尚书)的书信就来帮刘备了... 如何修改时间颜色? 金丝柚木家具优缺点有哪些? 金丝柚木家具优缺点介绍 金丝柚木家具优缺点 金丝柚木家具优缺点及选购技 吸收租房中甲醛味的植物 电脑上的暴风影音点视频有个广告出来是传奇游戏的,也有个英文歌,是女... 迈克尔杰克逊有首歌 歌词是 the girl is bad this girl is dangerous...