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什么是 Remote

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 01:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

你的电脑已经中木马了 进入安全模式试试能否除掉 这好像是灰鸽子的改版 .

或者用冰刃强制删除,重启就没了 就是这样了 祝你好运

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

Remote ABC 是一款适合任何个人、公司和家庭用于远程维护、远程协助和远程管理的计算机应用软件。用户不得利用本软件从事非法用途,如:用于窃取、破坏被控端电脑资料,窃取他人隐私等违法行为,任何违法行为都将受到法律的制裁。
用户使用本软件必须遵守国家的有关法律法规; 如刑法、*法、保密法、计算机信息系统安全保护条例等,不得有损害他人(国家)利益的任何行为。
您必须同意此条款方可使用此软件,一旦安装、复制或以其它方式使用本软件, 即表示您接受了本协议各项条款的约束。
Remote ABC is a remote control and access software, safe and rapid, which allows you the on-site-like work on the remote-controlled computers at varied spots. Remote ABC supports Windows Vista (32bit), including file transmission, multi-user audio chat, encrypted transmission of all data flow, telnet access, as well as monitors and special high-speed screen transmission technology. Remote ABC applies TCP/IP network protocol which is widely used in LAN, WAN and internet. It means that you can access your remote –controlled computer from anywhere in the world. Remote ABC has been configured and applied in tens of thousands of personal computers in the world. Numerous users use Remote ABC as a standardized network management tool.
With Remote ABC, you can:
• Remotely run your home computer or office computer;
• Provide Helpdesk function for remote users;
• Easily manage your home network or office network;
• Work at home.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

你的电脑已经中木马了 进入安全模式试试能否除掉 这好像是灰鸽子的改版 .

或者用冰刃强制删除,重启就没了 就是这样了 祝你好运

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

Remote ABC 是一款适合任何个人、公司和家庭用于远程维护、远程协助和远程管理的计算机应用软件。用户不得利用本软件从事非法用途,如:用于窃取、破坏被控端电脑资料,窃取他人隐私等违法行为,任何违法行为都将受到法律的制裁。
用户使用本软件必须遵守国家的有关法律法规; 如刑法、*法、保密法、计算机信息系统安全保护条例等,不得有损害他人(国家)利益的任何行为。
您必须同意此条款方可使用此软件,一旦安装、复制或以其它方式使用本软件, 即表示您接受了本协议各项条款的约束。
Remote ABC is a remote control and access software, safe and rapid, which allows you the on-site-like work on the remote-controlled computers at varied spots. Remote ABC supports Windows Vista (32bit), including file transmission, multi-user audio chat, encrypted transmission of all data flow, telnet access, as well as monitors and special high-speed screen transmission technology. Remote ABC applies TCP/IP network protocol which is widely used in LAN, WAN and internet. It means that you can access your remote –controlled computer from anywhere in the world. Remote ABC has been configured and applied in tens of thousands of personal computers in the world. Numerous users use Remote ABC as a standardized network management tool.
With Remote ABC, you can:
• Remotely run your home computer or office computer;
• Provide Helpdesk function for remote users;
• Easily manage your home network or office network;
• Work at home.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

你的电脑已经中木马了 进入安全模式试试能否除掉 这好像是灰鸽子的改版 .

或者用冰刃强制删除,重启就没了 就是这样了 祝你好运

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:04

Remote ABC 是一款适合任何个人、公司和家庭用于远程维护、远程协助和远程管理的计算机应用软件。用户不得利用本软件从事非法用途,如:用于窃取、破坏被控端电脑资料,窃取他人隐私等违法行为,任何违法行为都将受到法律的制裁。
用户使用本软件必须遵守国家的有关法律法规; 如刑法、*法、保密法、计算机信息系统安全保护条例等,不得有损害他人(国家)利益的任何行为。
您必须同意此条款方可使用此软件,一旦安装、复制或以其它方式使用本软件, 即表示您接受了本协议各项条款的约束。
Remote ABC is a remote control and access software, safe and rapid, which allows you the on-site-like work on the remote-controlled computers at varied spots. Remote ABC supports Windows Vista (32bit), including file transmission, multi-user audio chat, encrypted transmission of all data flow, telnet access, as well as monitors and special high-speed screen transmission technology. Remote ABC applies TCP/IP network protocol which is widely used in LAN, WAN and internet. It means that you can access your remote –controlled computer from anywhere in the world. Remote ABC has been configured and applied in tens of thousands of personal computers in the world. Numerous users use Remote ABC as a standardized network management tool.
With Remote ABC, you can:
• Remotely run your home computer or office computer;
• Provide Helpdesk function for remote users;
• Easily manage your home network or office network;
• Work at home.



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