发布时间:2022-04-24 01:52
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
Hi Paul,
I got your e-mail, and I'm so excited that you will come to China ring the Chinese new year. Chongqing is a great place to visit ring the winter, it's not crazy hot and humid like the summmer time. I would like to be your tour-guide. I could be the best tour-guide that you ever seen.
I will definitely show you the nature view and the delicious Chinese food. (自己加点重庆的景点吧,我不知道重庆有啥景点啊,孩子,或者你随便写点中文,我帮你翻译一下)I knew that you tried a lot of Chinese food when you are US, but they are American style Chinese food. Chongqing and Sichuang are so close, and the food in this area is sort of hot. I think you will enjoy the spicy food.
I'm looking forward to see you in China soon.
best wishes,
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
welcome!Look!Follow me!
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
Hi Paul,
I got your e-mail, and I'm so excited that you will come to China ring the Chinese new year. Chongqing is a great place to visit ring the winter, it's not crazy hot and humid like the summmer time. I would like to be your tour-guide. I could be the best tour-guide that you ever seen.
I will definitely show you the nature view and the delicious Chinese food. (自己加点重庆的景点吧,我不知道重庆有啥景点啊,孩子,或者你随便写点中文,我帮你翻译一下)I knew that you tried a lot of Chinese food when you are US, but they are American style Chinese food. Chongqing and Sichuang are so close, and the food in this area is sort of hot. I think you will enjoy the spicy food.
I'm looking forward to see you in China soon.
best wishes,
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
welcome!Look!Follow me!
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
Hi Paul,
I got your e-mail, and I'm so excited that you will come to China ring the Chinese new year. Chongqing is a great place to visit ring the winter, it's not crazy hot and humid like the summmer time. I would like to be your tour-guide. I could be the best tour-guide that you ever seen.
I will definitely show you the nature view and the delicious Chinese food. (自己加点重庆的景点吧,我不知道重庆有啥景点啊,孩子,或者你随便写点中文,我帮你翻译一下)I knew that you tried a lot of Chinese food when you are US, but they are American style Chinese food. Chongqing and Sichuang are so close, and the food in this area is sort of hot. I think you will enjoy the spicy food.
I'm looking forward to see you in China soon.
best wishes,
时间:2023-10-20 02:10
welcome!Look!Follow me!
1.迪士尼:2018年6月的寿星们很多已经获得了上海迪士尼的门票。明年说不定还会有这个福利。大家可以马下这个明年关注一下 2.海底捞:告知服务员就会随机送上蛋糕果盘长寿面,服务员会唱生日歌,还会送小礼物。3.丝芙兰:随机赠送美妆产品,金卡免费挑选门店280元的赠品。4.宜家:只要注册了会员(免费),...
前提是你长的象20岁左右的大学生 不要大包小包的一看就知道是来旅游的外地人1.随便进一家你喜欢的旅店(不要听见谁招呼你就进他的店)2.叫老板出来然后选一个你喜欢的房间3.住一晚就给他30(有一家好点的是40),两晚60,依次类推.4.他有疑问就说自己是交大学生.(旁边就是西南交通大学峨眉校区)看日出的话...