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work and life are both important!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-03 00:28



热心网友 时间:2024-04-06 04:15

Of cause,it is indispensable for us to find a balance between worklife and homelife.many reasons have contributed to this question
To begin with,as far as a lot of us,we need to earn money for feed our household,so we put our shoulder to the wheel day to day so that we can content many requirement we want to .
Furthermore,it seems that a life of person without work is unimaginable.work ,does have become a part of our life,it will bring happiness and confident to us ,achieve life value and so on,for sheer enjoyment,you can’t beat work.
the last,work is a series of symbol for station,power,wealth.people are think and treat someone depend on those despite these are something on the surface only.
However,is worklife everything for us?No.we have homelife also.Not only parents or children but also relation should play their important roles in our life,we love them,they love us too!So it is worthy to take sufficient time on them,relation is finest thing in our life,one must be perfect once he or her has both harmonious worklife and homelife.If you have a balance between them ,you will be successful.
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