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急!!急!!急!!~apple bobbing系咩意思呀?T^T

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-28 14:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:14

apple bobbing系halloween玩的一种game。在外国十分受欢迎。 "Apple bobbing" is played by putting an apple in a large container full of water. The apple will float and each contestant (student) tries to bite the apple out of the water. It is not as easy as it sounds. The fun part of this game is that you will get your hair wet in order to get the apple. It is actually a lot of fun! The winner gets to keep the apple. Even the ones that weren't able to get the apple got a "consolation" prize
guess what
an apple ^_^ It's all in good fun. akidsheart/holidays/fall/appbob (online的apple bobbing) 图片参考:bbc.co.uk/southampton/features/fireworks/images/bobbing_270 Apple bobbing is traditionally played at Halloween 图片参考:bbc.co.uk/furniture/tiny Apple bobbing is a game traditionally played on Halloween
31st October. Why not have a go? It's a lot harder than you might thinkHaving a Halloween party? Here's a traditional game you could try - and it's not as easy as it looks. Take a large bowl of water (a washing up bowl is good) and in it place a number of apples. Players now have to try to catch one of the apples using only their teeth. The hands must remain behind the back at all times. 图片参考:bbc.co.uk/southampton/features/fireworks/images/bobbing1_150 Get ready to bob!A variation is to hang the apples from strings so that they swing about and refuse to be caught. The person who catches an apple in the quickest time is the winner. Hint - Try to catch the apple by it's stalk. There are several possible origins of this game. Most likely it relates to witch bobbing
where a person accused of witchcraft would be tied to a long pole and cked under water
in a river or pond. After some length of time the suspect would be brought back to the surface. If still alive they were declared a witch and burned at the stake. Usually
of course
they drowned and were posthumously declared innocent. Some justice! 图片参考:bbc.co.uk/southampton/features/fireworks/images/bobbing2_150 Got one!Another posibility is that the game incorporates several old superstitions. Firstly
at Halloween a girl was supposed to be able to glimpse the face of her future hu *** and reflected in a bowl of water
or in a mirror as the clock strikes midnight. Second
if she had many suitors and wanted to know which one she should marry
she would take a number of apple pips
name them after her admirers and stick them to her face. The last pip to fall off would reveal which suitor was the most suitable hu *** and-to-be! The winner of the apple bobbing game is sometimes invited to peel the apple in a single strip as long as they can make it. The length of the strip represents the size of their future fortune. Some people like to play the 'nut crack' game on Halloween. Throw a hazelnut into a fire and as you do so
whisper the name of the one you love. If the nut burns quietly then your lover is true to you
but if it crackles or bursts open then all is not well - allegedly!
参考: bbc
apple bobbing系halloween玩的一种game。外国十分受欢迎。
Apple bobbing To play thid game
you nood a large bowl of water and some applws. Put the apples in the water so that thay float. Then put your hands behind your back and try to pick up an apple with your teeth.
参考: longman express
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