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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 12:19

Volume 1

1. Bang Bang
2. That Certain Female
3. The Grand Duel(Parte Prima)
4. Twisted Nerve
5. Queen Of The Crime Council
6. Ode To Oren Ishii
7. Run Fay Run
8. Green Hornet
9. Battle Without Honor or Humanity
10. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
11. Woo Hoo
12. Crane-White Lightning
13. The Flower Of Carnage
14. The Lonely Shepherd
15. You're My Wicked Life
16. Ironside (Excerpt)
17. Super 16 (Excerpt)
18. Yakuza Oren 1
19. Banister Fight
20. Flip Sting
21. Sword Swings
22. Axe Throws

Volume 2

1. A Few Words from the Bride Uma Thurman
2. Goodnight Moon Shivaree
3. Il Tramonto Ennio Morricone
4. Can't Hardly Stand It Charlie Feathers
5. Tu Mirá [Edit] Lole, Manuel
6. Summertime Killer Luis Bacalov
7. The Chase Alan Reeves, Phil Steele
8. The Legend of Pai Mei David Carradine
9. L 'Arena Ennio Morricone
10. A Satisfied Mind Johnny Cash
11. A Silhouette of Doom Ennio Morricone
12. About Her Malcom McLaren
13. Truly and Utterly Bill David Carradine
14. Malaguena Salerosa Chingon
15. Urami Bushi Meiko Kaji

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 12:19

Volume 1

1. Bang Bang
2. That Certain Female
3. The Grand Duel(Parte Prima)
4. Twisted Nerve
5. Queen Of The Crime Council
6. Ode To Oren Ishii
7. Run Fay Run
8. Green Hornet
9. Battle Without Honor or Humanity
10. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
11. Woo Hoo
12. Crane-White Lightning
13. The Flower Of Carnage
14. The Lonely Shepherd
15. You're My Wicked Life
16. Ironside (Excerpt)
17. Super 16 (Excerpt)
18. Yakuza Oren 1
19. Banister Fight
20. Flip Sting
21. Sword Swings
22. Axe Throws

Volume 2

1. A Few Words from the Bride Uma Thurman
2. Goodnight Moon Shivaree
3. Il Tramonto Ennio Morricone
4. Can't Hardly Stand It Charlie Feathers
5. Tu Mirá [Edit] Lole, Manuel
6. Summertime Killer Luis Bacalov
7. The Chase Alan Reeves, Phil Steele
8. The Legend of Pai Mei David Carradine
9. L 'Arena Ennio Morricone
10. A Satisfied Mind Johnny Cash
11. A Silhouette of Doom Ennio Morricone
12. About Her Malcom McLaren
13. Truly and Utterly Bill David Carradine
14. Malaguena Salerosa Chingon
15. Urami Bushi Meiko Kaji

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 12:19

Volume 1

1. Bang Bang
2. That Certain Female
3. The Grand Duel(Parte Prima)
4. Twisted Nerve
5. Queen Of The Crime Council
6. Ode To Oren Ishii
7. Run Fay Run
8. Green Hornet
9. Battle Without Honor or Humanity
10. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
11. Woo Hoo
12. Crane-White Lightning
13. The Flower Of Carnage
14. The Lonely Shepherd
15. You're My Wicked Life
16. Ironside (Excerpt)
17. Super 16 (Excerpt)
18. Yakuza Oren 1
19. Banister Fight
20. Flip Sting
21. Sword Swings
22. Axe Throws

Volume 2

1. A Few Words from the Bride Uma Thurman
2. Goodnight Moon Shivaree
3. Il Tramonto Ennio Morricone
4. Can't Hardly Stand It Charlie Feathers
5. Tu Mirá [Edit] Lole, Manuel
6. Summertime Killer Luis Bacalov
7. The Chase Alan Reeves, Phil Steele
8. The Legend of Pai Mei David Carradine
9. L 'Arena Ennio Morricone
10. A Satisfied Mind Johnny Cash
11. A Silhouette of Doom Ennio Morricone
12. About Her Malcom McLaren
13. Truly and Utterly Bill David Carradine
14. Malaguena Salerosa Chingon
15. Urami Bushi Meiko Kaji
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