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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-18 15:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:33

Dear Diana
Do you have a problem?Write to Diana at New Standard Magazine,and ask for her advice.
Dear Diana,
Last week,my friend Da Wei brought a new puter game and asked to play it on my father's puter.But my father has warned me not to use his puter for playing games because he uses it for his job.I can only use it for my homework.He thinks that if I play games on it,it'll go wrong.
Well,my dad was out,so we decided to try Da Wei's game.We copied it onto the puter and when we finished,we took it off the puter.We made quite sure my father didn't notice anything.
But when my dad used the puter last night,he was really angry.The puter wasn't working because it had a virus!
But I didn't tell him about the puter game.
Now I feel terrible.It's going to be expensive to mend it.Should I tell him about the puter game?Should I offer to pay?
Dear Steve,
Oh dear!You've made two mistakes.First,you used your dad's puter when he told you not to.Second,you didn't tell him about the game.Yes,you must tell him immediately.If you tell him the truth,he'll be angry with you,but at least you'll prove how honest you are.
Then I think you should offer to pay.But you shouldn't use your pocket money—after all,your parents gave you that money.If you offer to do some jobs around the home,or maybe help him with his work,he'll realise that you're truly sorry.
Oh,and next time,play football with Da Wei!
Best wishes,
The problem is ____.
Steve played a puter game after his father warned him about a virus.
Steve played a puter game on his father's puter after his father warned him not to use it.But his puter game left a virus on the puter.
Steve's friend left a virus on Steve's puter.His father uses the puter for work,and is now very angry.
The advice is ____.
He should say he's sorry and mend the puter.
He should tell his father to mend the puter.
He should tell his father the truth and do some jobs to pay for it.,9,

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:33

Dear Diana
Do you have a problem?Write to Diana at New Standard Magazine,and ask for her advice.
Dear Diana,
Last week,my friend Da Wei brought a new puter game and asked to play it on my father's puter.But my father has warned me not to use his puter for playing games because he uses it for his job.I can only use it for my homework.He thinks that if I play games on it,it'll go wrong.
Well,my dad was out,so we decided to try Da Wei's game.We copied it onto the puter and when we finished,we took it off the puter.We made quite sure my father didn't notice anything.
But when my dad used the puter last night,he was really angry.The puter wasn't working because it had a virus!
But I didn't tell him about the puter game.
Now I feel terrible.It's going to be expensive to mend it.Should I tell him about the puter game?Should I offer to pay?
Dear Steve,
Oh dear!You've made two mistakes.First,you used your dad's puter when he told you not to.Second,you didn't tell him about the game.Yes,you must tell him immediately.If you tell him the truth,he'll be angry with you,but at least you'll prove how honest you are.
Then I think you should offer to pay.But you shouldn't use your pocket money—after all,your parents gave you that money.If you offer to do some jobs around the home,or maybe help him with his work,he'll realise that you're truly sorry.
Oh,and next time,play football with Da Wei!
Best wishes,
The problem is ____.
Steve played a puter game after his father warned him about a virus.
Steve played a puter game on his father's puter after his father warned him not to use it.But his puter game left a virus on the puter.
Steve's friend left a virus on Steve's puter.His father uses the puter for work,and is now very angry.
The advice is ____.
He should say he's sorry and mend the puter.
He should tell his father to mend the puter.
He should tell his father the truth and do some jobs to pay for it.,9,
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