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how to deal with relationship with your roommates?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 05:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 14:10

It is quite important to live in harmony with our roomates in university. Thus how to deal with roomate's friendship takes training.
First of all, most roomates are from different areas with different religions, traditional habits and culture. Meanwhile, we should respect others as we are not all in common. Secondly, keeping communicating as much as possible to share our views, feelings and dreams is one of the best ways to build strong friendship. Finally, there's no doubt that we will meet contraditions more or less in daily life. The best way to retract the contradictions without doing lots of damage to relationship is taking a long, hard look at ourselves and taking a look from other people's perspective. What's more, sometimes we should learn to forgive even if we have been someone who have been hurt.
In conclusion, no one can live without friendship. And no friendship can be built without understanding and forgiveness. Just be harmony and buil a family dormitory.

Today,my roommate A complainted to me regarding her little conflict with my another roommate B about B’s indifferent attitude to her dignity.
As far as i concerned,this unhappy trifle is nothing to do with either their friendship collapsing or personal attacks on purpose ,it is just about two people with different character failed to be in harmony.It‘s also a common phenomenon in the dom with peoples from different places . For instance,my dom consists of 6 people whose hometown ranging from northchina to south China. Our habits and customs are definitely distinguished with each other and so does our thoughts. It's not a piece of cake to run a peaceful collective livelihood for all of us.

I'd like to share my expierence of founding a good relationship with your roommates

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 14:10

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