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Winter-Themed Writing Prompts | “冬季”主题写作提示

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 21:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:25

Winter-Themed Writing Prompts |  “冬季”主题写作提示

Inspire creative writing in your classroom this winter with fun winter writing prompts. Even reluctant writers will have a difficult time resisting the engaging themes of snowflakes, gifts, and holiday cheer. | 用和冬季相关的事物来激发学生们的创作灵感,即使那些不愿意写作的学生们也难以抗拒如雪花、礼物和节日祝福等这些有意思的主题。

Use these prompts to inspire festive writing in your classroom this winter:|  利用这些事物作为写作提示,以激励孩子们在课堂上进行节日主题创作:

·  If I were a snowflake…write about things you would feel or do if you were a snowflake flying through the air.

·  This year, my New Year’s resolution is…

·  If I were a hibernating bear this winter…make a list of how you’d prepare for the hibernating season and what you’d do ring the cold months!

·  I saw the best Christmas tree in the world!

·  If I could change the world this new year…

·  Pretend you have a pen pal living at the South Pole. Write a letter to him or her.

·  It was snowing again today, but the snow was purple!

·  On a stormy day, I…

·  How to keep warm.

·  We made sugar cookies for Santa. They were cut into shapes of…

·  Write about snowflakes.

·  I got a brand new sled for Christmas…

·  How to build a snowman.

·  If I were Rudolph…

·  I couldn’t find the present I wrapped for my mom! What do I do?

·  My favorite holiday movie is…

·  What’s the best Christmas present  ever ?

·  My favorite thing about winter is…

·  If I could change one thing about December, I would…

·  I had the best gift idea for my best friend. It is…

·  My grandma knit me a magic scarf. Its magic powers are…

·  Today it started snowing inside the classroom!

Picture Prompts:  Supply your students with a picture to write about. It can be anything: a snowman, a Christmas present, a puppy. Have them write a short story about the picture! | 图片提示: 给学生提供一张可以书写的图片。图片内容可以是任何事物,如一个雪人,一份圣诞礼物,一只小狗等。让他们创作一个关于这幅画的小故事!

November 25, 2019   by Evan-Moor
Winter-Themed Writing Prompts | “冬季”主题写作提示

Inspire creative writing in your classroom this winter with fun winter writing prompts. Even reluctant writers will have a difficult time resisting the engaging themes of snowflakes, gifts, and holiday cheer. | 用和冬季相关的事物来激发学生们的创作灵感,即使那些不愿意写作的学生们也难以抗...

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