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you gave me life中文歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-10 23:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:36

You gave me life 你给了我生命
Gave me your heart 给了我你的心
And your shoulder when I needed to cry并且承受着我的眼泪
You give me hope 你给了我希望
When all my heart is gone 当所有的一切离弃了我
Wings, so my dreams can fly 你给了我翅膀,让我的梦想可以飞
And I, haven't told you enough 但是我还未能告诉你
Haven't been good enough 还没做的足够好
Making you see 让你看见

My love for you will live in my heart 对您的爱会一直留在我心里
Until eternally through 一直到永远
I see your smile in the eyes of my child 透过的幼小的眼睛,我可以看到你的笑颜
I am who I am 我就是我
Mother, thanks to you 妈妈,感谢你

You gave my your word 你赐予我你的话语
Gave me your voice 你的声音
Gave me your everything each breath of your mind 给我你的一切思想和呼吸
You believe 你相信
When I can't remember how 当我不知道该怎么办时
You teach me my faith to survive 你教我生存的真理
And I, never can do enough 但是我,永远做的不够
Never think you enough 想的不够
For all that you are 你的一切


I know the treasure and feel the grace 每当我看见你的脸,我就看到珍宝与优雅
Whenever I see your face

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:37

You Gave Me Life


did i ever ever tell you 我有没有告诉过你
what you really mean to me 你是我真正的意义
when we're left and cry together 离开时,我们一起哭泣
always sweet as harmony 总是甜蜜的和谐

so when every single tear 每一滴眼泪
and in every little smile 和每一个微笑
lies they truth of what we're feeling 在每一个小小的微笑在于他们*,我们感觉
when we're walking side by side 当我们走在一起

in my heart there is a place for you 在我的心里总有你的位置
it's the meaning ever last the truth 这最后的*是真正的意义

you gave me life you gave me love你给了我生命,你给了我爱
you show me heaven not above 你是否能告诉我天堂有多高
you gave me wings and let me fly so high你给我双翅,让我飞得那么高
you gave me help you gave me hope 你给了我帮助,给了我希望
you told me yes you told me no你告诉我是和否
we're even more than only you and i 我们更不是只有你和我

when we were such little children 当我们还是年幼时
and the smaller child you were 你是那样的小
you were everything we needed 你是我需要的一切
as those little boys and girls 像这样的男孩和女孩

you were kings and queens so lovely 你是国王和王后如此的可爱
and you gave that helping hand 你给伸出援助之手
when you read a book at bad time 当你读不下一本书的时候
and never made it till the end从来就没有到最后

never never be another you 从来就不曾是另一个你
it's the meaning ever last the truth 这最后的*是真正的意义

you gave me life you gave me love 你给了我生命,你给了我爱
you show me heaven not above 你是否能告诉我天堂有多高
you gave me wings and let me fly so high你给我双翅,让我飞得那么高
you gave me help you gave me hope 你给了我帮助,给了我希望
you told me yes you told me no 你告诉我是和否
we're even more than only you and i 我们更不是只有你和我

you gave me life you gave me love 你给了我生命,你给了我爱
you show me heaven not above 你是否能告诉我天堂有多高
you gave me wings and let me fly so high你给我双翅,让我飞得那么高
you gave me help you gave me hope 你给了我帮助,给了我希望
you told me yes you told me no 你告诉我是和否
we're even more than only you and i 我们更不是只有你和我

you gave me life you gave me love 你给了我生命,你给了我爱
you show me heaven not above 你让我感觉不到承重 你是否能告诉我天堂有多高
you gave me wings and let me fly so high你给我双翅,让我飞得那么高
you gave me help you gave me hope 你给了我帮助,给了我希望
you told me yes you told me no 你告诉我是和否
we're even more than only you and i 我们更不是只有你和我
you and i你和我
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