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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 04:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 01:25

Here enter the text to be translated, in the process of agricultural proction, food for further processing or storage, at this time of need for grain impurity, which separated from the straw, impurities such as coating, which is a necessary Process. Of grain for the separation and impurity in the proction process, there are two processes need to separate grains, in the first harvest of grain to carry out the process, this is the first step towards separation. There is a step in the grain for exposure, back Positions before the second step and isolated. The second does not belong to the separation of sperm separation, food processing and storage have a fight. Therefore, we can see that the separation of grain in agricultural proction Plays an important role in

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 01:25

Here enter the text to be translated, in the process of agricultural proction, food for further processing or storage, at this time of need for grain impurity, which separated from the straw, impurities such as coating, which is a necessary Process. Of grain for the separation and impurity in the proction process, there are two processes need to separate grains, in the first harvest of grain to carry out the process, this is the first step towards separation. There is a step in the grain for exposure, back Positions before the second step and isolated. The second does not belong to the separation of sperm separation, food processing and storage have a fight. Therefore, we can see that the separation of grain in agricultural proction Plays an important role in

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 01:25

Here enter the text to be translated, in the process of agricultural proction, food for further processing or storage, at this time of need for grain impurity, which separated from the straw, impurities such as coating, which is a necessary Process. Of grain for the separation and impurity in the proction process, there are two processes need to separate grains, in the first harvest of grain to carry out the process, this is the first step towards separation. There is a step in the grain for exposure, back Positions before the second step and isolated. The second does not belong to the separation of sperm separation, food processing and storage have a fight. Therefore, we can see that the separation of grain in agricultural proction Plays an important role in
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