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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 04:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 17:30

1.Chinese food would be a simple 2.There are a variety of flavors,it is not easy to eat greasy 3.Chinese food can sometimes make very beautiful 4.Chinese food is very emphasis on color,aroma and taste are good.
This is a dish of standard and a dish I standard.
5.Some Chinese food is very nutritious,is better than a medicine to eat,can eat or it is for this reason,cultured is fully embodies the food's nutrition,to la hun vegetable reasonable collocation.
6.The names of Chinese dishes is characteristic 7.From cooking culture Angle compared with other countries,Chinese food is more colorful,fine good,harmony moderate characteristics.
8.Taste very good 9.Cooking is very exquisite temperature 10.Can make different cuisines according to personal preference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 17:30

1.Chinese food would be a simple 2.There are a variety of flavors,it is not easy to eat greasy 3.Chinese food can sometimes make very beautiful 4.Chinese food is very emphasis on color,aroma and taste are good.
This is a dish of standard and a dish I standard.
5.Some Chinese food is very nutritious,is better than a medicine to eat,can eat or it is for this reason,cultured is fully embodies the food's nutrition,to la hun vegetable reasonable collocation.
6.The names of Chinese dishes is characteristic 7.From cooking culture Angle compared with other countries,Chinese food is more colorful,fine good,harmony moderate characteristics.
8.Taste very good 9.Cooking is very exquisite temperature 10.Can make different cuisines according to personal preference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 17:30

1.Chinese food would be a simple 2.There are a variety of flavors,it is not easy to eat greasy 3.Chinese food can sometimes make very beautiful 4.Chinese food is very emphasis on color,aroma and taste are good.
This is a dish of standard and a dish I standard.
5.Some Chinese food is very nutritious,is better than a medicine to eat,can eat or it is for this reason,cultured is fully embodies the food's nutrition,to la hun vegetable reasonable collocation.
6.The names of Chinese dishes is characteristic 7.From cooking culture Angle compared with other countries,Chinese food is more colorful,fine good,harmony moderate characteristics.
8.Taste very good 9.Cooking is very exquisite temperature 10.Can make different cuisines according to personal preference.
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