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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-07 15:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 05:12

;Just A Friend;
Ohhh yeah

Yeah; yeah; yeah

I can;t believe it girl

You wanna leave me girl

Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend
And now I;m tryna call

But your phone is off

I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend

Ain;t nothing different here
No need to disappear

Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend

Don;t wanna fall apart
Tried to stop her from the start
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend

Open the door (baby)
I can hear your phone (ringing)
Plus your car is rom so I know you just got home
I hear you breathing real hard
So close to you
Yet I;m so far
We gotta talk this thing over
You still haven;t heard my story; no
Baby I need you
I;m gon; stand right here
Until your heart agrees to

Let me in

Cuz nothing else matters

My life is ungathered
Don;t let us be a memory

I can;t believe it girl
You wanna leave me girl
Let;s fall in love again
Baby she was just a friend
And now I;m tryna call
But your phone is off
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend
Ain;t nothing different here
No need to disappear

Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend

Don;t wanna fall apart
Tried to stop her from the start
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend
Baby; don;t speak (speak)
Just sit (no; no don;t leave)

See I;m not gonna let us not be together; no

There;s not too much that I can say
Just wanted you to see my face
So you can see the expressions of my deepest regrets

Sayin; oh; oh; oh; oh; oh

Don;t go; don;t go (baby)
Let me in

Cuz nothing else matters

My life is ungathered

Don;t let us be a memory

I can;t believe it girl
You wanna leave me girl
Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend
And now I;m tryna call

But your phone is off
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend
Ain;t nothing different here
No need to disappear

Let;s fall in love again
Baby she was just a friend
Don;t wanna fall apart
Tried to stop her from the start
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend

I don;t want you to go; no
This ain;t wit; cool me

I know I cut you deep emotionally (emotionally)

Don;t nobody deserves this no; no
So baby please believe me

I can;t believe it girl
You wanna leave me girl

Oh; and baby she was just a friend

I;m trying to call

Oh; I know I broke your heart

I can;t believe it girl
You wanna leave me girl

Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend
And now I;m tryna call
But your phone is off

I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend

Ain;t nothing different here
No need to disappear

Let;s fall in love again

Baby she was just a friend

Don;t wanna fall apart
Tried to stop her from the start
I know I broke your heart
But baby she was just a friend

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