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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 03:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 04:52

The mankind take the bearings to mainly depend the sun before the mariner's compass invent, moon etc. heavenly body, perhaps mountain stone tree etc. marking thing, however, these meanses for taking the bearings all has it to limit sex: is taken the bearings by heavenly body under the bad weather environment and then can't carry out, for example rainy day, fog day, cloudy day.But depend marking a thing to take the bearings can limit at inside small scope.
Afterwards people discover the south North Pole characteristic of loadstone but invented mariner's compass.Can take the bearings accurately under any environment thus.
Mariner's compass the biggest contribution is to promote maritime development, transport at the sea of flourishing and discover New Continent etc. the mariner's compasses all perform feats

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 04:52

Before compass invention the humanity takes one's bearings mainlydepends on the sun, heavenly body and so on the moon, or sign and soon mountain stone trees, however, these take one's bearings the methodall has its limitation: Depends on the heavenly body to take one'sbearings under the bad weather environment is unable to realize, forinstance rainy day, foggy day, cloudy day But depends on the sign totake one's bearings only can limit in the small scope
Afterwards the people discovered the magnet the south North Polecharacteristic has invented the compass Thus may accurate take one'sbearings under any environment
The compass biggest contribution promoted the navigation development,the sea transportation the new continent compass and so on wasdeveloped as well as discovered all had lasting achievements

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 04:52

before the invention of the compass, people decided the directions mainly by the sun, the moon, and other asteral bodies, or landmarks such as mountains, stones, and trees. but, these methods has their restrictions:you cannot depend on a asteral body when the weather is bad, for instance, ring rain, fog,and overcast days. while using landmarks only work within a small area.
Later, people discovered the polarity of magnets and invented the compass and can now determine directions under any circunstances. the compass's greatest contribution is that it promoted marine development, transportation by sea and the discovery of new continents are all achievements of the compass.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 04:53

kh;sdhfgksurdhgsuhuer udhfsauirhtiwu erteryuyuisheusyfeiwhldiuswehrhauegfuvgrytveguryfguksgrfsjkuggajqbkidjohdgjosgifukfhigusydgfuigekrfgiudgkfgiuksigi k geyfgurefgka egfuag ufgu p


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