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初二英语。 怎么写 【粽子的做法】 就是做粽子的步骤,可以简略。 不过要分步骤。如: 【First

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 04:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.

The practice is as follows:

【First,Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.】

【Next,Rinse the jujube thoroughly and set aside.】

【Next,Wash reed leaves, cut off both ends, scald them in boiling water until all discoloration occurs, and quickly remove them, then soak them in cold water for use.

【Next ,Take three reed leaves and fold them at the middle of the funnel at one end of the head, leaving a crease.】

【Next,The reed leaves are shaped into funnels according to the creased nests, filled with fillings, and the dates are placed in the middle, so that the cooked zongzi is sweet and even.】

【Next ,Then fold the reed leaves behind the funnel and cover them with stuffing. Following this, pinch them with the thumb index finger to cover both sides.】

【Then,The reed leaves fold inward along the first step to form the fourth corner, so that they have already become zong.】

【Finally ,tie the waist with a cotton rope, that is, where the thumb and index finger are pinched, and tie it firmly.】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14

First choose the bamboo leaves in the right size.
Next cook the rice until it is sticky.
Then wrap the rice in the bamboo leaves.
Finally tie the bamboo leaves with a string.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:15

I don't know.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.

The practice is as follows:

【First,Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.】

【Next,Rinse the jujube thoroughly and set aside.】

【Next,Wash reed leaves, cut off both ends, scald them in boiling water until all discoloration occurs, and quickly remove them, then soak them in cold water for use.

【Next ,Take three reed leaves and fold them at the middle of the funnel at one end of the head, leaving a crease.】

【Next,The reed leaves are shaped into funnels according to the creased nests, filled with fillings, and the dates are placed in the middle, so that the cooked zongzi is sweet and even.】

【Next ,Then fold the reed leaves behind the funnel and cover them with stuffing. Following this, pinch them with the thumb index finger to cover both sides.】

【Then,The reed leaves fold inward along the first step to form the fourth corner, so that they have already become zong.】

【Finally ,tie the waist with a cotton rope, that is, where the thumb and index finger are pinched, and tie it firmly.】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14

First choose the bamboo leaves in the right size.
Next cook the rice until it is sticky.
Then wrap the rice in the bamboo leaves.
Finally tie the bamboo leaves with a string.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14


Ingredients: A:750 grams of glutinous rice, 100 grams of rhubarb rice, 120 grams of peanut kernels and 200 grams of vegetables.B:Reed leaves 1 bundle, 25 jujubes.

The practice is as follows:

【First,Wash and mix all material A together without soaking in advance, because mplings need to be cooked for a long time.】

【Next,Rinse the jujube thoroughly and set aside.】

【Next,Wash reed leaves, cut off both ends, scald them in boiling water until all discoloration occurs, and quickly remove them, then soak them in cold water for use.

【Next ,Take three reed leaves and fold them at the middle of the funnel at one end of the head, leaving a crease.】

【Next,The reed leaves are shaped into funnels according to the creased nests, filled with fillings, and the dates are placed in the middle, so that the cooked zongzi is sweet and even.】

【Next ,Then fold the reed leaves behind the funnel and cover them with stuffing. Following this, pinch them with the thumb index finger to cover both sides.】

【Then,The reed leaves fold inward along the first step to form the fourth corner, so that they have already become zong.】

【Finally ,tie the waist with a cotton rope, that is, where the thumb and index finger are pinched, and tie it firmly.】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:14

First choose the bamboo leaves in the right size.
Next cook the rice until it is sticky.
Then wrap the rice in the bamboo leaves.
Finally tie the bamboo leaves with a string.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:16

I don't know.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 04:16

I don't know.
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