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找一首歌~歌词里有I love you and hate you at a very same time

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 20:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:07

Kanye West的《Bittersweet Poetry》


(Intro Music)

(John Mayer) Bittersweet,
You're gonna be the death of me.
I dont want you, but I need you.
I love you and hate you at the very same time.
(Kanye West) See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad.
"Never did this before," thats what the virgin says.
"We've been generally warned," thats what the surgeon says.
God talk to me now.
This is an emergency.

(Verse 1)
And she claim she only wit' me for the currency.
You cut me deep bitch cut me like surgery.
And I was too proud to admit that it was hurtin' me.
I'd never do that to you, at least purposely.

We breakin' up again,
We makin' up again,
but we dont love no more,
I guess we f**kin' then.

Have you ever felt you ever want to kill her,
and you mix them emotions with tequilla.
And you mix that wit' a little bad advice,
on one of them bad nights.
Yall have a bad fight,
and you talkin' bout her family her aunts and shit.
And she say, "Muhf**ka yo mama's a bitch!"

You know, domestic drama and shit.
All the attitude.
I'll never hit a girl, but I'll shake the shit outta' you.
But imma' be the bigger man.
Big pimpin like jigga man.
Oh, I guess I figure its:

(John Mayer) Bittersweet,
You're gonna be the death of me.
I dont want you, but I need you.
I love you and hate you at the very same time.
(Kanye West) See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad.
"Never did this before," thats what the virgin says.
"We've been generally warned," thats what the surgeon says.
God talk to me now.
This is an emergency.

(Verse 2)
And my nigga said I shouldn't let it worry me.
I need to focus on the girls we gettin' currently.
But I've been thinkin' and it got me back to sinkin' in.
This relationship, it even got me back to drinkin'.

Now this Hennessey, is gonna' be the death of me.

And I always thought that you havin' my child was our destiny,
but I can't even vibe wit' you sexually.
Cause every time that I try you will question me.

"You f**kin them girls, disrespecting me?
You don't see how your lies is affectin' me?
You don't see how our life was supposed to be?
And I never let a nigga get that close to me!
And you ain't cracked up to what you was supposed to be!
You always gone! You always be where them hoes will be!"

And it's the first time she ever spilled her soul to me.

(John Mayer) Bittersweet,
(Kanye West)( - I f**ked up and I know it, G)
(John Mayer) You're gonna be the death of me.
(Kanye West)( - I guess it's bittersweet poetry)
I dont want you, but I need you.
I love you and hate you at the very same time.

Bittersweet. (Keyshia Cole vocals)
You're gonna be the death of me.
I don't want you, but I need you.
I love you and hate you at the very same time (Keyshia Cole vocals)

See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad.
"Never did this before," thats what the virgin says.
"We've been generally warned," thats what the surgeon says.
God talk to me now.
This is an emergency. (x2)

You're gonna be the death of me.
I don't want you, but I need you.
I love you and hate you at the very same time.

(Outro music)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:07

Kanye West的 Bittersweet Poetry


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:08

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