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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-27 00:05



热心网友 时间:2024-03-31 07:37

2011 26th session of the world will be held in our shenzhen, as a sar, our pupils to shenzhen of relevant information? i know that many online search for a while to shenzhen have some understanding, and shared. shenzhen game time is 2011 in august. august 22, the main competition is longgang the sports center, xin, and lo wu in shenzhen gymnasiumThe halls, etc. this games will be established four categories, 302 a smaller, a track and field, swimming, gymnastics, , the events of gold medals that will set the . shenzhen is the emblem of the u, the red, yellow, blue, green, dark of the five colors of the freedom to spot with u, the universiade is the world university games in english, represents shenzhen2011 host city and time, five starStar sign is large international it took any part may be full expression, or recognizes, underlines the shenzhen the young city of great vitality and tolerance. shenzhen 's mascot is the emblem of uu u evolution of a smiling face, and the first letter in the universiade u, uu broke the design of animals and reveal the joy of the u emblem of the blood and have the sameAppearance, uu have a jolly, mischievous, so the image of the game with intense heat, uu just to adjust the tense atmosphere, dilute the role of volunteers. shenzhen is the window of the world — to embrace the world, the slogan for me here. is vus three letters from volunteer — — volunteer universiade , shenzhen, the first letters and communicate with an enthusiasm, dedication and true colorFrom colors red, yellow and blue system of youth and vitality, hot and, read and second. i relied on in the slogan is simple but very full, everywhere and enthusiastic volunteers service, the volunteer pride and sense of responsibility. shenzhen there are more than one year will be held, opening, there will be tens of thousands of students from all over the world gathered shenzhen, china will become the young man sitting in the world, i sincerely hope to see the deepBoating well, i hope to see all the players have achieved good results, and from around the world of big brother big sister in the same time establish a profound friendship, if there is a chance, i want to play for them. the crowd boosted

热心网友 时间:2024-03-31 07:39

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