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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 23:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:17

SOA standards of the project structure, project background processes using IBM WPS engine, through the MQ interactive communication with other systems, and business success and IBP complete system integration, demonstrate the use of WEB front Struts + Hibernate + Spring framework to achieve, shows the image using the rich the design of the client, use the Applet to achieve pre-design, so that the complexity of the operation to meet the customers, or even call the local WIN32 applications, the entire system and give full play to the characteristics of loosely coupled SQA, rapid response to changing business needs.

KOFAX platform for users to scan documents and business bank image information by scanning the image into the ECM platform, process and process flow engine to start the process As for quality, the images speak through the approval was sent to the IBP for further processing, IBP also images can be dismissed and their request to re-scan. If certain networks or e to unknown reasons the process fails, the process will flow to the exception handling to deal with the artificial node. Accounts every day through WebSphere's sechele way from time to time through the FTP write IBP account reconciliation peace. Display image using the APPLET, users can view the APPLET business picture, and add annotations (seal, crossed, notes, etc.), the middle version of history, pictures, rotating, zooming and narrow features, images from the ECM platform XML report text of interaction between the components have to ClientProxy pseudo-synchronous data (meta-data and resources to ensure that information is received) and the other as an APPLET Hide APPLET, for use. APPLET broke through the security restrictions, the main procere to call the local reference, read and write local files. According to the manual task of all agencies to distribute, the parent department to see the task of lower level departments and the management of certain tasks, if there is no long-term deal with the abnormal, or by the agency's task manager to deal with the task of the realization of these rely on the Websphere process Server to achieve SSO, the realization of the security framework is LDAP + DB2.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:17


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:18

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