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work of the world

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-31 14:43



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 22:29

receptionist 接待员
typist 打字员
key puncher 电脑操作员
stenographer 速记员
telephone operator 电话接线员
programmer 电脑程序员
system analyst 系统分析员
shorthand typist 速记打字员
office girl 女记事员
public servants 公务员
national public servant 国家公务员
local public service employee 地方公务员
nation railroad man 国营铁路职员
tracer 绘图员
illustrator 汇稿员
saleswoman 女店员
pilot 驾驶员
simultaneous 同时译员
publisher 出版人员
graphic designer 美术设计员
delivery boy 送报员
secretary 秘书
policeman 警察
journalist 记者
editor 编辑
interpreter 通译者
director 导演
talent 星探
actor 男演员
actress 女演员
photographer 摄影师
scholar 学者
translator 翻译家
novelist 小说家
playwright 剧作家
linguist 语言学家
botanist 植物学家
economist 经济学家
chemist 化学家
scientist 科学家
philosopher 哲学家
politician 政治学家
physicist 物理学家
astropologist 人类学家
archaeologist 考古学家
geologist 地质学家
expert on folklore 民俗学家
mathematician 数学家
biologist 生物学家
zoologist 动物学家
statistician 统计学家
physiologist 生理学家
futurologist 未来学家
artists 艺术家
painter 画家
musician 音乐家
composer 作曲家
singer 歌唱家
designer 设计家
sculptor 雕刻家
designer 服装设计师
fashion coordinator 时装调配师
dressmaker 女装裁剪师
cutter 裁剪师
sewer 裁缝师
tailor 西装师傅
beautician 美容师
model 模特
ballerina 芭蕾舞星
detective 刑警
chief of police 警察局长
taxi driver 出租车司机
clerk 店员
mailman 邮差
newspaper boy 报童
bootblack 擦鞋童
poet 诗人
copywriter 撰稿人
producer 制片人
newscaster 新闻评论人
milkman 送奶人
merchant 商人
florist 卖花人
baker 面包师
greengrocer 菜贩
fish-monger 鱼贩
butcher 肉贩
shoe-maker 鞋匠
saleswoman 女店员
stewardess 空中小姐
conductor 车掌
station agent 站长
porter 行李夫
car mechanic 汽车修理师
architect 建筑师
civil planner 城市设计师
civil engineer 土木技师
druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师
guide 导游
oil supplier 加油工
(public) health nurse 保健护士
dentist 牙科医生
supervisor 监工
forman 工头
doctor 医生
nurse 护士

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 22:34

Photographer 摄影师
Photographers use their cameras to take photos with people,beautiful places and sent the photo to us . A person who takes photos as their job or for pleasure.They often travel around the world to take many beautiful photos of people or Of scenery

Policeman is an official body of men and women whose duty is to protect people and property, and to make sure that everyone obeys the law.
Our country‘s police divide into the armed police and the People’s Police

musician 音乐家
A person who performs on a musical instrument.
Is engaged in music activity specially, brings the successful public figure to the human who beautiful enjoys.

a person whose profession is to treat sick people.At the beginning of SONG Dynasty ,people who live in the south-China usually called doctor ‘LANGZHONG’; people who live in the north-China usually called doctor “DAIFU”

director 导演
Someone who directs a play or film, deciding how it is performed and filmed

Teacher 教师
A person who teacher, especially at a school or college.

scientist 科学家
A person who works or studies in an area of science, especially chemistry, physics or biology

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 22:36

worker 工人
soider 军人
waiter 侍者
officer 官员
teacher 老师
farmer 农民
doctor 医生
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