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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 01:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 11:59

There is much more to casting than selecting a process and making the appropriate pattern .During the past decade ,research and proction experiences have provided scientific principles for better casting techniques .Important considerations are the rate at which a mold cavity is filled ,gate placement ,riser design ,the use of chill blocks, and padding.
FILLING THE MOLD CAVITY .the velocity with which the molten metal fills the mold is determined by the cross-sectional area of the gating system and the mold-pouring rate. Too slow a mold-pouring rate means solidification before filling some parts, allowing surface oxidation. Too high a pouring rate caused by too large a gating system causes sand inclusions by erosion ,particularly in green-sand molding ,and turbulence. The minimum cross section in the gating system is called a choke .In the strict sense, the choke is the section in the gating system where the cross-sectional area times the potential linear velocity is at a minimum. When the gate system is choked at the bottom of the sprue ,it is called a nonpressurized system. This system is somewhat less reliable than a pressurized system in which the choke is at the gate.
The first metal in the pouring basin and down the sprue usually has some turbulence that carries slag into the runner .To avoid slag in the casting, the runner should extend past the last gate to trap the initial slag. By the time the gate become operative, the liquid level should be high enough so that no slag can enter the casting cavity .The runner should be laid out to minimize turbulence, that is it should be as straight and as smooth as possible. The gate that was shown in Fig.7-3 is made to enter the cavity at the parting line. Gating arrangements may also be made at the top or bottom of the cavity. The parting line gate is the easiest for the pattern maker to make; however, the metal drops into the cavity, which may cause some erosion of the sand and some turbulence of the metal .For nonferrous metals, this drop aggravates the dross and entraps air in the metal.
Top-gating is used for simple designs in gray iron, but not for nonferrous alloys, since excessive dross would be formed by the agitation.
Bottom-gating provides a smooth flow of metal into the mold. However ,if does have the disadvantage of an unfavorable temperature gradient. It cools as it rises, resulting in cold metal in the riser and hot metal at the gate.

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