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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 12:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:12

I'm all right now! I recently in moving, changing jobs, so there is no time to call you, sorry! Because I now work is in China's state-owned enterprises, also can't like before convenient links to foreign website, only occasionally, when was the last time on *. I now the same Thai girl to live with an Australian guy, said before I live with a big dog, the dog's owner now moved away. Now roommates all of them are financial company white-collar, we go to work time is about the same, weekend can also invite your friends to our home. Last time send you postcard, that is my graation design of the peripheral procts, my graation design is a friend and I cooperation about taking snapshots of the APP. My salary now can also! Ha ha ready to save money to go to America to see you next year!! I really want you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:12

I'm fine!
Recently, I move to a new house and change jobs, so there is no time to call you, I'm sorry!
Because I am working inside state-owned enterprises of China,
then i couldn't link to a foreign site as easy as before.

I just scan face book occasionally.

The Thai girl who is living together with me are have good relationship with an Australian guy now,

I have said before, there is a large dog living together, and now the dog's owner moved away.
The new roommates are white-collar financial companies, we work almost all the same time,
we would like to Invite a friend to our house on weekend to have a party together.

Last send you a postcard, it is my graated design of peripheral procts,
My graation project is a collaboration with my friend on the street shooting APP.

My salary now is OK! Haha!
I will ready to save money to go to America and see you next year! !

I miss you so much!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:13

I'm much better now.
Recently I changed jobs, on the move, so there is no time to call you, I'm sorry!
Because now I work for Chinese state-owned enterprises,
Not as before convenient links to foreign sites,
Only occasionally a face book.
I am a Thailand girl and a boy living in Australia,
Said before me and a big dog live together, and now the dog's owner.
Now roommates they financial companies are white-collar workers, we work almost all the time,
The weekend will also invite friends to our home.
The last time a postcard to you,
I graated from the design of procts,
I graated from the design and my friends a on the street APP.
My present pay is! Ha-ha
To save money to go to America to visit you next year!!
I miss you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:13

I am very well!
I have been busy moving house and changing jobs. So I have no time to call you. So sorry!
I am working in a Chinese state-owned enterprise. It’s not as easy to access foreign websites as before.
So I seldome log on *.
I am living with a Thai girl and an Australian guy.
I ever told you that I lived with a big dog, but the pet owner just moved. So I am not living with a dog now.
My roomates are white collars in financial companies. Our office time are alike.
They invite friends to our house in the weekends.
The postcards I sent you is a peripheral from my graation designs. It’s an APP about street shots. I designed it with my friends.
My salary is not bad. LOL. And I am saving money to fly to USA to visit you next year!
Miss you so much!
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