发布时间:2022-05-02 23:00
时间:2022-06-28 02:59
Through performance and packaging of chocolate requirements analysis, I chose a heart-shaped box of tinplate proction as the inner packaging container procts, manufactured by stamping forming process of sheet metal forming process, has good protection performance of procts. The proct is positioned as a premium chocolate, packaging using fixed box, carton used plastic injection molding clover modeling as a lining, and the inner structure of packaging container with similar proportions. Each box can hold four packaging heart-shaped box. Decoration design with chocolate color dominates the noble and elegant, clover pattern as a symbol of lucky and blessing, can attract all levels of consumer groups.
时间:2022-06-28 02:59
Through analyzing the properties and the packaging requirements of chocolate, I chose the heart-shaped box made by tinplate as a proct of the inner packing container.
By stamping molding process, which is one of sheet metal forming process, the proct has good protection performance.
Positioning for high-grade chocolate, the inner packaging of this proct uses fixed paper box, which use the clovers modelling of plastic injection molding as lining with similar proportion of the inner packing container structure.
Each box can hold four packing heart-shaped box.
The elegancy of decoration design which uses chocolate color as main color, the symbol of luck and best wishes which is embodied by the patterns of the clovers, can attract all levels of consumer groups.
Key words: high-grade chocolate, heart-shaped tin box, fixed paper box, clover