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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 17:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 02:18

Must Be Something
歌手:The Pierces
Must Be Something - The Pierces
You don't have to say you're sorry
All the lights are getting blurry
Cry yourself to sleep
and in the morning
we can start it over
Say your prayers
and count your blessings
Turn away as you're undressing
All the girls with your eyes
you have been,

because they will never know you
Held down by the devil's hand
Dressed up like a gentleman
You got me crying out every time
There must be something wrong
Lights on in the middle of the night
If I give a little more
will it make it right
You know I'm trying, in the end
There must be something wrong
On the floor my head is ringing
All the words you said are stinging
Courage to the bone
but then you say
that you cannot remember
I'm no match to wanna fight you
Everything I say ignites you
Try to let it lie
but then I find
that you will not surrender
Held down by the devil's hand
Dressed up like a gentleman
You got me crying out every time
There must be something wrong
Lights on in the middle of the night
If I give a little more
will it make it right
You know I'm trying, in the end
There must be something wrong
(what's wrong with being wrong
There must be something wrong
what's wrong with being wrong )
There must be something
Held down by the devil's hand
Dressed up like a gentleman
You got me crying out every time
There must be something wrong
Lights on in the middle of the night
If I give a little more
will it make it right
You know I'm trying in the end
There must be something wrong
I'm taking the devil's hand
He's been such a gentleman
He's got me crying out every time
There must be something wrong
Lights on in the middle of the night
If I give a little more
will it make it right
You know I'm trying in the end
There must be something wrong
what's wrong with being wrong
There must be something wrong
what's wrong with being wrong
There must be something wrong
what's wrong with being wrong
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