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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-22 06:18



热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 22:10

I first must pull out a time to start the winter vacation work,Then returned to the hometown for the new year's celebration,After goes homeEvery day persisted reads several hours books,Carries several hours English,Then accesses the net,Played a ball game,Strives for the winter vacation to read a novel,Pulls out several days in behind to review the knowledge which on semester studies,Performs consolidatedThis is my winter vacation plan.Has you known?


热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 22:10

I want to take out some time to do to the winter vacation homework first, then return to old house to celebrate New Year's Eve, after go home.Insist the book of see several hours everyday, carry on the back several hours of English, then get to the Internet, beat, fighting for the winter vacation to read a novel at taking out several days to review the knowledge that last term learn behind, taking into the consolidation.This is my winter vacation plan.Did you know?

热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 22:11

I first must pull out a time to start the winter vacation work, then goes home the new year's celebration, after goes home, every day persisted looked several hours books, carry several hours English, then accesses the net, played a ball game, strives for the winter vacation to look a novel, pulls out several days in behind to review the knowledge which on semester studies, performs consolidated. This is my winter vacation plan. Has known?

热心网友 时间:2024-02-09 22:11

I first must pull out time start winter vacation work, then returns to the native place new year's celebration, after goes home. Every day persists looks several hours books, carries several hours English, then accesses the net, hits plays a ball game, strives for the winter vacation looks one novel, pulls out several days in behind reviews the knowledge which one 下上 semester studies, performs consolidated. This is my winter vacation plan. Has known?
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