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windows host process(Rundll32)has stopped working

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 21:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 05:02

This was passed on to me by someone in a forum and now I'm paying it forward.


Please follow these instructions to check which software is causing this issue:

1. Click on Pearl (Start Button), in the serach box type:


and hit the enter key on the keyboard. It should open the System Configuration Utility window.

2. Click on Services over the top and then at the bottom right corner, put a check in the "Hide all Microsoft services" checkbox.

3. Click on "Disable All" button.

4. Click on "Startup" tab, and then click on "Disable All" button again.

5. Press OK button and then "Restart" button on the following window. Let the computer restart.

6. Once you're back on the desktop, you'd get a window for System Configuration Utility. Put a check in the box "Don't Show....." and then press OK button.

7. Now, once again check the issue. If the issue is resolved, open System Configuration Windows again and then enable all the services from Services tab and then check the issue after restarting the computer in the same way as mentioned above.

8. If issue is still resolved, enable half of the Startup items from Startup tab and then check issue.

9. If issue occurs again, it means, there's a culprit in the checked startup items. But if issue doesn't occur, then issue could be with rest of the Startup items. Now, uncheck the first half startup items (that were check before), and then check rest of the half items. Check the issue again.......

10. Now, if the issue occurs, then make a note of all the names of the startup items and then follow the same procere, for them. Now, you need to be careful, as by design the System Configuration will sort all the enable startup items to the top. So, it means all the entries would be mixed on next reboot. From now on you need to make a note of all the entries that you're enabling or disabling........

I know guys it's a bit lengthy process, but trust me it works in both XP and Vista. I'm one of the Microsoft XP/Vista Techs
男人醉女人累原歌 我大概在2009年玩的很早的一款冒险动作游戏有一关是埃及狗头人主角捡武... 提成点数怎么算公式 Huamei/华美每日粗粮粗纤维饼-适用对象 0pp01107格式化后成白屏且不能开机怎么办 五邑大学是市属还是省属 五邑大学校区有几个 窝瓜焖荷包蛋怎么做? 达科塔·芬妮简要生平 湖北自动冷库多少钱 Host Process for Windows Services试图访问恶意软件是什么意思?? 今天卡巴查出来的 中了木马程序 木马 任务管理器里的svchost Service Host Process是什么意思,DLL是什么意思 host process for windows services是什么意思? 用炉石兄弟出现这问题 host process for windows services 电脑开机出现 windows host process (rundll32) Windows xp 总是弹出 Host process for windows tasks框,关了之后过一会又弹出来 求大神解答 对话框如图 vista系统开机出现host process for windows services关闭怎么处理 那个svchost.exe hostprocess什么东西 vista系统开机出现host process for windows services已停止工作 如何解决 host process for windows services是什么? host process for windows servicesCPU占用过高,如何解决? windows host process(rundll32)已停止工作 怎么解决 怎么老是会弹出windows host process 对话框 游戏中QS认证是什么意思 质量认证体系中的QS是什么意思? QS国标标准 你的老师在上课的过程中有过哪些迷惑行为? 老师在课堂上应该发挥学生的充分的作用改病句 作为老师在课堂上,该如何让每一位同学表现出更多的参与感呢? 老师在上课的时候,是应该严肃一点还是温和一点? host process for Windows services关闭 “host process for windows services已停止工作”是什么 Host process for windows services上传和下载用了很多流量,请问这个是什么东西啊?我的是WIN7系统。 电脑任务管理器里的进程我看不懂,谁能教教我啊 男,20岁,口气大蒜味,有时厉害,有时还好,胃部没感觉什么不舒服,消化很慢,有时会打嗝 舌苔发黄嘴里每天发出大蒜的味道是什么病 鼻子旁边长了一颗硬硬的像痘痘一样的东西是什么 右边鼻翼长了一颗很硬的痘,怎么才可以消下去? 嘴巴臭大蒜味是什么病 鼻翼长的痘痘弄破了变硬的凸出的疙瘩该怎么消除 鼻翼和鼻子两边上长痘痘轻轻碰一下就很疼又很硬挤不动 配图 请问是怎么回事怎么处理谢谢 右鼻翼长痘是什么原因右鼻翼长个大豆,又疼又硬是怎么了 鼻翼长了很大很硬的痘痘,还持续时间很久怎么办? 鼻翼上长了一个大痘痘,好几个月啦也没消,不痛不痒的 鼻子上莫名其妙长了颗很像痘痘又不是痘痘的东西,而且很硬的一颗到底是什么东 鼻子长痘,长在鼻尖或鼻翼,变硬成肉,消不掉,怎么回事,怎么办? 鼻翼上长了个硬的红痘痘,长很久了,曾经用手抠过,有一种麻疼的感觉,还流血,起黑色的小疤,求医生解答 鼻翼一侧长了颗看不见的痘痘很痛怎么办。而且硬硬的。有点肿 鼻子左侧长了个痘痘似的。鼓鼓的。摸上去硬硬的,挤不出,请问不去管它会好么 地板胶用什么清洁才能干净?